044 - Awakening (013)

176 10 17

Song of the Chapter: Forever - Rogue (Electronic)

Here's your Monstercat chapter!
Update: nothing that really happens here is significant. I'm fixing it so that it makes sense with the ending. Sorry if you're confused for a while.

(Monstercat's POV)

I look over the top of the building as the sun is rising. The world is waking up, rising to greet a new day. I've been up for hours, and am ready to take a nap, but sleeping is dangerous now. I can get caught too easily. Maybe if I had someone else with me, we could trade off. But I don't. I'm alone.

I have plenty of time to think now. Countless questions swirl in my mind. How can I get out of the city? Are the others okay? Why is Jensen doing this? Do we even have a chance of defeating him? Is Au5 still alive? Are the other artists still alive? How many were killed? What's the difference between Jensen and the MI?

I shake my head. I don't have time to think about most of these right now. There's no way for me to know the answer. I have bigger problems to think about.

My stomach growls at me.

Like where to find food.

I peer down into an alley with a dumpster. It's by a fast food restaurant, and I can smell delicious things inside. The only thing I'll get, however, is the scraps left over. I make my way down from the building, landing on all fours, and sniff around. People walk by the alley, sometimes glancing in, so I stay on all fours and act my best like an Earth cat. I stick my nose in the dumpster and gag. What could possibly be safe for me to eat in there?

My eyes land on a half eaten burger, hidden by a scrap of paper. I stick my paw in and poke it. It doesn't come alive or anything, so I grab it out and examine it. It doesn't smell too bad, once I get past the garbage surrounding it. Cautiously, I take a bite and cringe. The garbage still lingers. I swallow it with difficulty and take another bite. I know I need to eat something, and I've never gotten food poisoning before - being an alien has its perks.

I throw the burger down. Okay, but maybe I can find something that tastes better.

I rummage around in the dumpster, taking little bites of lots of things, and then find a fish sandwich that's barely been touched. I scarf it down, remembering how much I love fish. I know, stereotypical cat.

After a while, I climb out of the garbage can and shake myself off. Someone walks by, so I drop to all fours and try to make myself look smaller.

"Kitty!" a little girl shrieks.

Oh no.

She comes running and grabs me around my waist. She doesn't seem to notice that I'm almost bigger than her. I snatch my headphones off and drop them safely on the ground as she rubs my head roughly. I hiss like an Earth cat and try to push my way out of her grip, with no use. She's strong for a little kid.

"Look Mommy! I found a kitty!" She carries me out of the alley and to her mother.

Her mother takes one look at me and screams. "Put that thing down, Madi!" she orders.

"I'm gonna name her April," Madi says firmly. "I love her with all my heart! She's my kitty!"

I finally wiggle out of her grip and faceplant on the sidewalk. "Excuse me," I mutter sarcastically as I stand back up - on two feet, as tall or taller than Madi. "I have places to go and people to meet."

At least six people scream. Madi gasps happily. "April is a talking kitty!"

Her mom swings at me with her purse and I get smacked across the face. Surprisingly, it hurts quite a bit and I stagger. What do women keep in those things?! "I'm outta here," I grumble, spinning around, snatching my headphones, and racing down the street.

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