058 - Fugitive

269 13 39

Song of the Chapter: Fugitive - Case & Point (Electro)

This one's really really long ... 4580 words ...

(Phantom's POV)

I stare at the city, fighting to control my anger. The MI and Jensen have completely taken over. Nitro Fun has been missing for four days. Au5 was shot and almost died. Dozens of artists are missing and some have already been killed. Monstercat, as alien as he is, can't do anything. We're losing.

I will not be broken.

Noisestorm puts his hand awkwardly on my shoulder. I realize that I'm shaking in rage, and try to calm myself. "Hey," my friend says softly. "It's okay."

"How do you know?" I snap. "People have died. The MI and Jensen are as powerful as ever, and we could barely take one of them!"

"Phantom," Tristam calls. "We're going to fail only if we say we are. Are we going to fail?"

I start to tell him that there's no way we can succeed, but then catch myself. I take a deep breath before answering. "No. We can do it."

"That's the spirit!" Noisestorm grins, punching my arm.


"Who says we're going to fail?" Tristam yells to the rest of the group. There's a collective groan from the crowd of maybe three hundred. "Who says we're going to make a difference?"

The producers explode with cheering and a chant rises up. "MONSTERCAT! MONSTERCAT! MONSTERCAT!" Even the other labels join in.

"I'm flattered," the alien says.

I smile a little. Maybe we do have a chance. "Noise, you have your team with the fireworks?"

"Of course." Noisestorm slings his bag off of his shoulder and pulls out a few. The others behind him do the same. "We'll pass them out and then we'll go."

While he and his team distribute the explosives, Monstercat wanders over to me. "Who knew we could come so far?" he says.

"It's awesome," I answer, feeling good inside. "Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

Someone taps my arm. We both turn to see Braken there, looking embarrassed. "What?" I say.

"It's just that ... I don't think I should go," Braken mutters.

"Why not?" Monstercat asks.

"I have a really bad feeling about this." Braken drops his eyes and plays with the end of his scarf. "What if something happens again because of me? Like last time?"

"But that was so long ago."

"No ... a couple days ago. When Rootkit was captured. It was my fault."

"What are you talking about? Rootkit is over there." Monstercat points at him.

Braken follows his gaze and frowns. "I could've sworn ... I thought ... "

Monstercat sighs as he says, "I think you're remembering something that didn't happen. It might be from ... you know."

"What?" I ask. Neither of them explain. Monstercat simply goes to find Tristam.

I watch Braken for a moment, noting the fear in his deep blue eyes. "Everything's going to be fine," I say. "Do you trust me?"


"Do you trust Monstercat?"


"And your fellow producers?"

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