028 - Tremble

991 13 22

Song of the Chapter: Carry Me Away - Rootkit (Electronic) 

Ok so you know in movies how something super intense will be happening but it's quiet and there's this soft music that would be calming if you weren't watching the movie, and then you get all anxious and nervous? Try that with this song ... I freaked myself out.

(Tristam's POV)

The city is oddly quiet as I stumble down the streets. Very few people are out, except for the officers, and those who are quickly rush inside the closest building when they see me. I'm confused, but mostly afraid. What's going on? I don't understand.

My side is aching where I was cut, and my right arm burns. It's still bleeding, covering my hand and soaking into my clothes. I'm barely able to stay upright; my head's spinning, I'm dizzy, sick, and disoriented. It's a struggle to put one foot in front of the other, but I force myself to stagger on. I'm not sure where I am, but I think I must be miles away from the hotel and my friends. I don't know if I can make it.

Rain falls lightly on the empty city streets, splashing on my face. It makes my hair stick to my forehead and get in my eyes, but I don't have the strength to lift my arm up and move it. I need to rest, but there's nowhere to go, no place to hide.

I can hear sirens in the distance, coming closer. I need to find somewhere fast, or I'll be going right back to that horrifying place. That thought alone makes my heart race, but doesn't bring me any energy.

I pause my stumble in the middle of the street, trying to decide where to turn. I look up just in time to see him - Braken, standing there, staring at me in disbelief. Even from here, I can see his tear-streaked face and my heart breaks. I want to run to him, wrap him up in my arms, and tell him everything's okay, even though it's not. "Braken," I breathe, my voice barely coming out.

He takes a breath to say something, but someone grabs him from behind, dragging him around the corner. I try to cry out in despair, but nothing comes out, so instead, I try to run to him, but can't make myself move.

A gunshot echoes through the empty streets, the bullet inches from my face. Apparently, that's all the motivation I need, because I can finally run again, but instead of going down the street with Braken, my legs take me down the other street, to my left. I don't stop - I can't stop. I decide to turn at the block and go around, so maybe I can intercept him. My knees give way when I'm halfway around and I trip and fall, just barely making it into an alleyway. It's dark and empty and prefect. It's a struggle, but I drag myself inside, to the back behind a couple of garbage bags. Once I get there, I rest against the wall, each breath worse than fire - it's like drinking molten lava. My knees feel like metal rods are twisting into them, ripping, pulling, and my bleeding arm screams in agony every time I move it. I'm going to die here.

That twisted man is smart. He knows that taking blood and staving and wounding the prisoners will weaken them faster. I've only been captive for four days, and already, I'm reduced to this. Someone help me.

I pass out after that, the blackness and the rain slowly taking me. I let it come, grateful for the sweet release.

At least until I wake up a few moments later as the sound of men shouting comes closer. I blink in the bright light and then pause. It's still night time, because I know I wasn't out for very long, and yet I'm blinded by something.


Before I can react, two soldiers grab me and yank me to my feet. One of them digs their fingers into my bullet wound and I let out a strangled scream as the agony rips through my arm, down to my hand and across my chest. They don't seem to care. I fight against them, screaming out in fury, pain, and terror.

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