051 - Unity

161 11 39

Song of the Chapter: Melodymania - Pegboard Nerds (Electro) 

I know this seems like a pointless chapter, but I figured you guys wanted something happy because the next part is really rough ... like the rest of the book. I am a horrible human ...

(Monstercat's POV)

Today is a good day, I think. We're all happy again ... mostly, and currently, no one's trying to murder us. That's a nice change.

Earlier, after explaining my slight changes and confusions, I had taken a nap in the front room where the sun spills in through the window, finally understanding why Earth cats love it so much. After waking up totally refreshed, I realized that everyone was getting along. Even Noisestorm and Rogue. Well ... they're still not really talking to each other, but it's better than them screaming and getting in physical fights.

Rogue left before I fell asleep, and returned during my nap with his helmet and sword, which are now sitting on an unoccupied chair. Noisestorm is drawing something at the table, Au5 is resting upstairs, reportedly doing better than he was last night, and I think Phantom is downstairs, still playing the piano. He loves that thing. Rogue and Eveelyn are sitting in the living room, near the kitchen, and Rogue is playing a guitar he found downstairs. He's coming up with crazy lyrics, though, none of which make sense. Eveelyn and Nitro think he's hilarious. If I'm honest, I think it's kind of annoying.

"Okay, so how 'bout this - " Tristam says, leaning back on the chair he's sitting in at the table. Noisestorm glances up and returns to his art, ignoring him. He goes on anyway. "What if I went blond again?"

"Again?" I ask, studying him. I try to picture him with blond hair instead of black, but it's too hard.

"Yeah. I did it once before. I liked it. Then I was lazy and didn't redo it."

"Maybe you could get it done after you get arrested," Noisestorm mutters.

"Oh, shut up. Don't ruin my good mood."

"I'm in a great mood. You're breaking my concentration."

"I wasn't talking about you; I was talking about my amazing self."

"You're not that amazing."

Tristam smirks and folds his arms. "I don't see an army of fangirls coming after you, my friend."

"They should. I'm fabulous."

"Yeah, right."

Noisestorm throws his pencil at him, but Tristam just laughs. "Your army is terrifying," Noisestorm says. "Maybe I should be afraid of fangirls."

"They are the evilest humans on the planet," Rogue sings from the other room. "Be very afraid."

I laugh, even though I honestly don't know what a fangirl is. A girl who's a fan ... but it sounds worse than that. And Tristam's got a whole army of them.

Noisestorm starts singing softly, and I watch Tristam's reaction and chuckle again. "I'm left to nowhere," Noisestorm sings. "No place to hide. Out in the open - "

"Like ashes in the sky," Tristam interrupts. "I quit the illusion ... I'm moving on ... "

And then it splits into two different songs and I burst out laughing.

"I let the flames light up the future," Noise squeals in an unnaturally high voice. "Making empires of sound - "

"Build our empire of sound," Tristam yell-sings at the same time. "As the bridges were falling down. In the midst of endless time - "

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