037 - Rewire

185 9 13

Song of the Chapter: New Game - Nitro Fun (Electro)

This is one of my ALL TIME favorite songs ... do you believe a 15 year old kid made this song? Because he did.

(Nitro Fun's POV)

The chilly night air almost distracts me from my work. Almost. This is way too exciting to be distracted by something as simple as wind. The brightness on my laptop is all the way down, but somehow, it still seems way too bright and glow-y. That's why I'm up on the rooftops - to eliminate any pedestrian suspicion.

I glance up at the building across the street - that dreaded building Phantom and Aero Chord broke Tristam out of. I know they got a look at the inside, but with them so worried about being not dead, I'm not sure how good that look was. I want something more reliable. I set up my stuff and start to hack into the system, something I've done far too many times to be considered innocent at this point. I guess gaming gave me one useful skill in the real life. That and also crazy fast reaction times. What my reactions actually are is an entirely different story.

It only takes me about five or ten minutes to get in, so I pull up various security cams and take a look for myself.

There's lots of soldiers, both men and women. I've got the cams for the front area, the white prison thing Tristam described, various hallways, the men's bunker-looking room, and the lab Tristam said he went into for only a few minutes. There's someone in there now, strapped to a table with four or five scientist-looking guys around him. I look a little closer and immediately regret it. My stomach lurches and I resist the urge to throw up at the sight. I don't dare close the cam, but I don't let my eyes linger on it for long, afraid I'll make myself sick.

There's no sign of anything MI related anywhere. I don't understand. Do we have two enemies now, or are they still secretly working together?

An entire group of maybe two dozen soldiers come into the front area, by the front doors. A man stands in front of them, gives them orders, and then dismiss them. They all leave out the front doors, and I watch them come out of the building just across the street. I tip my laptop to hide the light even better and lower myself onto my stomach to stay out of sight. I give them five-ish minutes to break formation and split into pairs, leaving the street and spreading out around the city. They must be looking for us. Once they're gone, I allow myself to sit up again and fix my laptop screen. There's one cam that still says "UNAUTHORIZED" on it, so I work to get into that one, too. Usually, the ones that are the hardest to hack are the ones with the most valuable information.

It takes me a lot longer to get into that one, but finally, it reveals a simple office. There's a desk with papers scattered over the surface and two chairs, one metal and the other softer-looking. I try to zoom into the desk to see if I can read what's on the files, but it's too blurry to make anything out and I'm worried I'll be detected if I get in any further.

I wonder if I can get a layout of the building or something, or figure out guard rotation schedules. That might be helpful to know, especially if we decide to break in again. I move the screen with the cams on it to the side of my laptop screen and dig in again. There's nothing else I can get from here except their hand radio frequencies like last time. I'm a little worried about using those again, based off of how they found us last mission. I'll need to plug into the system manually, not wirelessly. That means I'm going to need to get on top of it. I'm going to have to break in.

I grin in spite of myself. This is a lot more exiting than I thought.

It's also a lot more deadly than I thought, but that's just a minor detail.

I shut my laptop and put it in my bag, slinging that over my shoulder and climbing down from the building. The street is empty, so I run across as fast as I can and dive ninjoticly behind the garbage can in the alley way. My heart is suddenly pounding against my ribcage, a sign of my sudden fear. I'm not afraid, I tell myself, totally lying.

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