050 - Recognition

158 11 11

Song of the Chapter: Lonely - Rezonate ft. Bijou (Dubstep) 

(Tristam's POV)

As it turned out, I did not get to make my pancakes. I guess that's alright, though, because instead, I got my best friend back. It was almost like he was gone, those long hours where it was very obvious he wasn't himself. He also played around with me this morning, something he hasn't done for a couple months. What's even better? He did it in front of the others. Slowly, I think he's allowing himself to open up and be himself around the rest of the artists. Hopefully, if this continues, he'll be able to handle himself if anything happens to me again.

After our breakfast at noon, the older woman who owns the house pulls me aside for a moment. "I know who you are, child," she says.

"Uh ... thanks?" I say, more like a question.

"You are the one Jensen wants. You are his 'perfect specimen'."

"Yes, I am aware of that ... " I get that tingly feeling again, creeping up my spine and making me shiver.

"You need to be extra careful when you go out today," she says, nodding.

"If you want us out - "

"No, no, stay as long as you must. But your friend over there ... " she points, and I follow her gaze as it lands on Braken. He's drawing something, his face determined. He's even biting his tongue as it sticks out, something I tried once and found that it actually helps my concentration. He doesn't look up.

"What about him?" I ask warily.

"Two things: he's not to be trusted." She turns me back so she can stare right into my eyes. It feels like she's staring into my soul. "When you're as old as I am, you see the same eyes in different people. Yours are protective, trustworthy. His are dark, clouded with pain and rage. It's only a matter of time before he breaks, and all hell will break lose." She pauses, still staring at me, and then says, "Second: you're leaving, if only for a little while, and he's going to lead you. You will find yourself in a situation where you can't help him."

"You're freaking me out," I say.

She laughs, and it's like the dark mood vanishes. "I'm sorry. I used to be a songwriter, you know. I wrote songs with cryptic and deep lyrics, like yours. Sometimes, I slip back into that 'song writing mode'. I just meant that he wants to go somewhere today."

I breathe a sigh of relief. If that's all it is ...

The look in her eyes tells me otherwise.

After that, I go downstairs to find the piano I'm sure I heard, but someone's already playing it. I open the door and Phantom almost jumps off the bench in surprise, quickly yanking his hands off the keys.

"Hey, Phantom," I say. "I didn't know you could play the piano."

He shrugs. "I haven't had one to play on for a while." We wait in a semi-awkward silence until he stands up. "Do you want a turn?"

"No, I'm good. You can keep playing - " But he's already gone, down the hall. I shrug and sit down, playing a few chords. I don't know what to play, though, so I mostly just sit and stare.

Eventually, someone knocks on the door.

"Yeah?" I call.

It's Braken. He comes and sits next to me on the bench and plays the opening chords to Frame of Mind. Before I can start singing, though, he stops and says, "Hey, Leo?"

"Yeah?" I take over and hum the melody as I play.

"You know what day it is, right?" He pauses for a moment as I think. "It's my mom's birthday. I want to go ... visit her."

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