070 - Rescue

178 7 6

Song of the Chapter: Sentinel - Noisestorm (Breaks)

I love this genre...why don't more people make it


(Phantom's POV)

"Let me in; I want to talk to him."

I open my eyes just a little. Everything hurts so bad ... Especially my chest and stomach, my whole front. The slashes were deep and I have tons of stiches, maybe more than fifty. The bandages are too tight, I think, and I can barely breathe.

Although everything hurts, fear almost overwhelms it. Braken did this to me. Of all people, this was Braken's doing. I never thought ...

I remember the looks Tristam, Rogue, and Evee gave him that one night - the night Braken claims he doesn't remember. They knew something like this would happen, they just didn't know how or when or who.

"Nick!" Ben says, pushing past the nurse and gently sitting on my bed. "Nick, I was so worried about you. I thought you weren't going to make it. I walked in that room and saw all that blood ... I just thought ..."

"Help me sit up," I mumble, trying to prop myself up on my elbows. He carefully lifts me by my underarms and I sit up against the wall with a hiss of pain. "I can't believe I'm still alive." I pick at the bandage across my chest and shudder, noticing that Ben hasn't moved his hand away from around my waist. His hands are warm on my bare skin. Mine are freezing. I give him a look and he releases me awkwardly with a muttered apology.

He hesitates, and then says, "You still think he's your friend, don't you?"


"That thing. The winged kid. You think he's your friend."

I keep my eyes glued to the floor. "I don't know. I guess."

"It's not. It's not your friend. That thing is a killer."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you have this look in your eyes. Please don't do anything ... stupid."

"I can barely move," I say, getting a little angry. "What do you think I'm going to do?" Talking that loud hurts, so I drop my voice back down. "I don't know what you're worried about."

"I'm worried about you hurting yourself and being stupid." His face turns red as he speaks. "I do like you, but I hope you push that away and listen to a friend's advice. That thing is not your friend."

"But he's not like that," I insist, wincing at the pain in my chest.

"Really? He's not like ... " Ben roughly pokes my chest, just above one of the slashes. " ... that?"

I yelp and flinch away from him. I think that deep down, I know he's right. I just wish I didn't. I wish he was wrong. "He has some sort of disorder. Maybe some sort of split personally or something. That's not the real him." I pause for a moment. How do I know what the "real him" is like?

"How do you know? You don't know me! I'M A FREAKIN' POTATO!"

I don't know him. Not like I wish I did.

"Nick, please listen. Please, try to understand," Ben says, softer now. "I don't want him to hurt you. If he does have some disorder ... Although I hate to say it, and no offence to anyone, but maybe that makes him even more dangerous."

He's right and I hate myself for agreeing.


(Monstercat's POV)

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