022 - Nightfall

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Song of the Chapter: Razor Sharp - Pegboard Nerds & Tristam (Glitch Hop/110 BPM)

I can't just not drop everything and scream RAZOR SHARP every time this comes on ...

(Monstercat's POV)

I'm not doing anything important, and right now, I'm pretty bored and ready to get this show on the road. I'm not even worried. Phantom and Rogue can take care of themselves, and
Braken's a follower. They'll keep him safe.

I feel bad for Tristam, though. He's trying to stay calm on the surface, but I can see the worry on his face.

"Everything's fine," I tell him. Au5 gives me a sideways glance, but I ignore it.

And then I get a call.

"We have a ... slight problem," Rogue says from my communicator.

"What happened?" Tristam demands, nearly ripping my arm off to yell at them into my communicator.

"Um ... actually, we have lots of slight problems." Rogue laughs nervously, trying to lighten the mood. "First, Braken was right. Those guys are the enemy. Second, they know who I am - my real name. Third, the MI is also after us, though I don't know if they're working together or conflicting or whatever. Fourth, we're stuck. I almost got hit by a car - "

"You WHAT?!"

"Yeah, long story. But anyway, I think I sprained my ankle so I can't run, so we decided to use Aero's escape plan and go to the roofs, which brings up our fifth problem." He sighs before continuing. "He's going to hate me for saying this, but Phantom passed out once we got up, so we're double stuck."

Aero laughs out loud and leans back on the bed, lacing his hands behind his head. We both ignore him.

"Is Braken alright?" Tristam asks frantically.

"Yeah. He's a little shaken, but he's doing okay."

"How's he taking the height?"

"Why don't you talk to him?" Rogue grumbles.

Eventually, he does, leaving me awkwardly holding my hand out so he can use my communicator. I don't really listen to their conversation, but I keep hearing Braken repeating that he's scared but he's okay. I find myself admiring their friendship and devotion to each other. Even though I've had many friends and companions in my life, I've never had someone quite like Tristam or Braken.

Finally, Rogue comes back on. "Good news," he says. "First, Nitro knows how to hack into the security cams. He can't do it here without his laptop, but that can be a useful tool for later. Second, Phantom is awake, but not going anywhere soon. We'll be back in about an hour, I think. I'll call again if we're coming later."

"Great. Thanks." We both sign off and I breathe a sigh of relief. I'm so glad Rogue is stable right now. If he was as off as he'd been a few hours ago, we could've had a problem. One of my strange alien abilities is being able to sleep and be aware of everything around me at the same time. I heard his fight, but didn't do anything to prevent it. They need to work it out by themselves.

Speaking of which, I glance over at Noisestorm, who purposefully tried to ignore the entire conversation. Sometime earlier, he'd stolen Nitro's laptop and was playing games, but now he's just starting at the screen, which turned off a few minutes ago.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Just perfect, thanks," he snaps.

I flop down next to him on the couch bed. "You need to let it go."

"Let what go? I told you, I'm fine."

"You're still mad at Rogue and you need to calm down. We can't have an internal conflict as well as an external one. We're not going to get anywhere that way."

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