063 - Betrayal

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Song of the Chapter: Home - Nitro Fun (Electronic) for the first part
Aether and Light - Varien (Glitch Hop) for the second part

After the fun drawings I posted yesterday, you get this ... *cries a little*

Away from home, is this where I'm meant to be? I feel the emotion in this song and it makes me happy sad, you know? I read something about this song that the actual real live Nitro Fun wrote to everyone, talking about hard times and being away from home and it gives more emotion to the song ... if I find the thing again I'll clarify and elaborate, but the song is beautiful.

And then there's Varien ...

(Rogue's POV)

Sunlight plays across my closed eyes, waking me up pleasantly. I yawn and almost roll over, but then remember Nitro Fun in the sleeping bag next to me. I open my eyes and check on him to make sure he's okay. His cheeks are red and streaked with tears, and a little cut on his chin looks like it started bleeding again last night. His expression looks peaceful, though, finally relaxed. I don't want to wake him up, so I stay where I am and simply wait, thinking about things.

Stephen Walking unzips the tent and pokes his head in. He's about to say something, but he pauses when he sees Nitro and I. "What in the world are you two doing?"

"He's asleep," I whisper. "He had a bad night - don't wake him up."

Stephen's expression softens. "Alright. Make sure he's okay and then join us out here."

"Will do." I smile at him and he leaves quietly.

A few minutes later, Nitro's breath catches in his throat for a second and he wakes up, blinking in the bright sunlight. "Rogue ... " he mumbles. "Sorry ... "

"It's okay. You don't need to be sorry." I climb out of my sleeping bag and sit up.

He tries to sit up, too, but catches his breath in pain and swears quietly. I help him upright and let him lean against me for support. "Thanks," he says softly. "You know ... for helping me last night."

"Of course. That's what friends are for." I pause and watch him as he carefully brushes through his hair with his hand. He winces every time he lifts his left arm higher than his shoulder, probably because of the bruises and his broken ribs. "You're going to have to tell them, you know," I say.

He sighs and cringes. "I know. I'm just ... worried. What if they don't take it as well as you did? What if they hate me and kick me out? I don't want to be alone. I hate being alone. When I'm alone, I start thinking and worrying and wondering if you all really care and I just ... "

"If they kick you out, I'll come with you," I say firmly. "But they won't kick you out. I promise." I stand up and help pull him to his feet. "How are you feeling?"

"Mnugh," he groans.

Together, we stumble out of the tent and into the morning light.

"There he is," someone from Tasty growls. "The little traitor."

Nitro instinctively flinches backward and his eyes immediately fill up with terror. I step forward a little, trying to protect him. "Come on, Nitro," I say softly. "Let's go find Danyka and Fij and get you checked up." I gently wrap my hand under his arms to help him walk and lead him away.

"Why are you helping him?" the guy demands as we walk away. "He's killed us all!"

"Just ignore it," I murmur as Nitro tenses up. "You're fine."

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