077 - Submission

163 11 33

Song of the Chapter: The Truth - Tristam (Electro)
The video on this one is cool, too. I like it :)
Boundless - Aero Chord (Trap)

(Tristam's POV)

I finally come to, still slumped over on the ground where I was knocked unconscious. I try to open my eyes and sit up, but my head seems to rattle and pound like a pinball machine, so I just wince and shift to a more comfortable laying position. I'm aching all over, but my head and my wrists hurt the most, pulsing, throbbing, burning through me. My throat is dry and hurts when I swallow, and my stomach feels like it's eating itself.

I wait a moment for my headache to subside, but it never does, so I pull myself up to a sitting position anyway. The room is dark and stuffy, still hot, and I'm drenched in sweat, my shirt plastered to my back and my hair sticking to my forehead. The salty sweat stings my raw neck and arms, and burns the slashes on my wrists. I look at them and feel a deep sense of guilt. Jensen cut me like Braken, and now I feel like I'm mocking everyone who did it to themselves. I'm mocking Braken and that will never go away. These will never fade. They'll scar, just like his.

I don't want people to look at me and see them. I don't want them to think I'm the kind of person who does that. That's a terrible thought, I scold myself, ashamed of it. There's nothing wrong with those people. They aren't any different than we are. We're all people. We're all human.

We're all human. I dwell on that thought and think. Jensen doesn't believe that. He treats me like his pet. I slept on his lap like a cat. To him, I'm not human. Nobody here is.

One day, I think, we'll all see it. We'll all see that we're just humans. We may look different, act different, speak different, believe different, but we're all human. That's what's so amazing about the human race. We're all different. That's why I love our misfit group of artists. We all speak different, act different, look different, and come from a variety of cultural and ethnical backgrounds, and yet, we're all so united. Why can't the world see this? Why can't we all accept our differences and mistakes and get along? Why won't we embrace something that's different from us? We're all human.

We're all human. I hang onto that thought with everything I have. I cling to the truth, praying that one day, we'll finally see it, and I start to drift to sleep, my aching body begging for rest.


I wake up a few hours later, feeling a little better than before. I stretch my aching shoulders the best I can with my hands cuffed in front of me, and then wince as another headache stabs behind my eyes. I let my gaze wander around the room and notice that there's a sandwich sitting on Jensen's desk. I can't reach it with my collar trapped on the wall, but my eyes won't leave it. I'm literally starving. I think I might seriously hurt someone to get my hands on that.

My hands. The handcuffs allow more movement. Maybe I can unhook the wire from the wall. I twist myself around I grab at the thin wire. It's threaded through some box thing, and it makes my fingers bleed when I try to pry it out. "Allez," I mutter. "Allez. Come on."

Finally, it pops free and I scramble to my feet, immediately regretting it as the world spins and I fall back over. I think I even black out for a second, too, but it's over quickly and I stand back up, slower this time. I take a staggering step and collapse against Jensen's desk, my fingers grasping the sandwich on the table top as I pull it toward me. I unwrap the paper protecting it and wolf it down, seeming to inhale it in a second. I don't even taste it. If I did, I probably wouldn't have eaten it. I don't even know what's in it. My stomach doesn't appreciate the food the way I thought it would, and I almost throw it all back up, but I swallow it down, determined to feed myself.

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