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160 6 7

Song: Breakdown VIP - Noisestorm (Drumstep)


Notes suck so here's the last one for now.

Y'all'er (is that even a word?) pretty awesome!
You all are ... y'all're?

Yeah anyway keep reading, commenting, giving feedback, and voting! (I love comments even if they're just like 'same' because I like to feel like people like me)

Also I'm sorry this is getting really long, like really really long and it's not gonna end for a while ... hang in there. I'm trying to add more Monstercat but the idea I had for him vanished. You'll find out what happens to Ephixa later, don't worry.

I even added an art to make you happy (hopefully?)! It's not very good ... ooh, I have an art book now if you like my stuff :)

Um I also wrote a 5 part short story called My Friend based off of the song by Tristam so if you're interested ...

K I'm leaving now.

*runs away giggling like a maniac*

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