020 - Encounter

219 15 30

Song of the Chapter: Dance to It - Tut Tut Child (Moombahcore)

(Phantom's POV)

I wake up a few hours later as Braken bursts out of the bathroom. "WHAT IF THEY HAVE EPHIXA?"

Rogue promptly falls out of the bed with a yell, landing on Monstercat, who shrieks and jumps into the wall. Aero is somehow already on his feet and Au5 is laying on his back, watching Braken with that same thoughtful expression.

Noisestorm groans loudly, muttering something that sounds suspiciously like, "Let me sleep, you idiots."

Tristam finally wakes up and climbs, unsteady, to his feet. "Braken, calm down. The MI has him, not these new guys."

"But what if - "

"No. You don't need to ... " Tristam pauses and shifts his weight uncomfortably. "They don't have him," he finishes eventually. He was going to say you don't need to worry. But we do need to worry, especially if the MI thinks Ephixa killed their officer instead of Aero.

"Whatever happens," Monstercat says, "we need to check the place out. Do a little snooping, if you know what I mean. Get some info about who these guys really are."

"What time is it?" I ask.

Tristam checks his watch. "Just after five."

"We could go now. The dark will hide our identities." I'm answered with silence. I glance around at the exhausted group. "Alright, I could go now. By myself."

"No way," Tristam says, shaking his head. "I don't want you to get caught."

"I'm Phantom. I don't get caught."

"Tell that to the MI. They've managed to corner you twice now." Noisestorm's voice comes muffled by the pillow he's so conveniently shoved his face in.

I try to ignore that.

"Plus, they're probably trying to hunt us down." Tristam sits back down and sighs. "We're going to have to get out of here soon."

"Which is why we need to get as much information as we can!" I protest. "It'll be much harder when we're kicked out again."

Braken takes a deep breath to say something, but Tristam glances over at him and he decides against it, letting the air out with a gasp.

I hold out my hand and meet Tristam's gaze steadily. "Give me the keys and I'll take myself."

"Some part of me thought you couldn't drive ... " Rogue mumbles.

"Dude, I'm seventeen."

"I know ... "

"Don't take the truck," Braken says softly.

"Who wants to come with me?" I ask. Noisestorm starts to push himself up, but I shove him back down on the bed. "Not you. You still need to sleep."

"Don't take the truck," Braken says again.

"No one?"

"I will," Rogue says finally.

"Great, you come. And you, Braken. You're the witness."

"Don't take the truck," he repeats.

"We got it, thanks," Noisestorm grumbles into his pillow.

I hold up my hand for the keys and Tristam tosses them to me with one last, useless protest. I shove them in my pockets and pull open the door, hitting Nitro Fun.

"Whoa there!" he yelps, before pausing and starting at us. "What's going on? Aren't you supposed to be asleep?"

I shrug and Braken mutters, "Yes."

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