025 - Broken

210 12 13

Song of the Chapter: Far Away - Tristam & Braken (Electro)

(Monstercat's POV)

The lump on the bed hasn't moved hardly at all since Tristam was captured. The only time it ever adjusts is when Braken goes to the bathroom or sips his water. Sometimes it shakes with silent sobs, but usually, it just sits there, like lumps do.

No one talks much, and when they do, it's in whispers or hushed tones. None of us dare bring up that night, especially in this room. Everything's different without Tristam.

"I brought you something to eat," Phantom says softly, sitting on the bed and addressing the lump. He's holding a paper bag from some fast food place. "I was told you like chicken nuggets, so I got you some."

"I'm not hungry," Braken mumbles.

"You haven't eaten for two days," Phantom replies, keeping his voice gentle.

"I don't care."

"Braken ... "

"Leave me alone."

Phantom glances up at me and I shrug helplessly. "Well," he says finally, "if you want them, they're right here." Braken doesn't answer, so he stands up and comes over to me and Aero. "What am I supposed to do?" he whispers. "I don't know how to help him. His grief is taking over. If he doesn't eat something soon, I'm afraid he'll get really sick."

I shake my head. "I have no idea. There's a reason I was never seen comforting others. I'm terrible at it."

"If he gets sick, that's his fault," Aero mutters, leaning back on the bed. "Let him deal with it himself."

"That's a terrible thing to say," I hiss, smacking his leg. "He needs a friend now more than ever, and you want to leave him alone?"

"He needs to know he can do things on his own."

"That's not the way to do it."

Phantom takes off his headphones and runs his hand through his hair, sighing and messing with his hat. "Maybe, maybe not. I just don't want him hurting himself."

I jump up onto the bed and sit down, playing with my tail. "True, but when he won't tell us how to help him ... "

"I can hear you," Braken mutters.

"Then help us out. What do you want?" Phantom snaps.

There's a pause and I think he's finally going to tell us, but he just breaks down again. "I want my friend back," he cries. "I don't care that I sound like a baby - I just want him back ... "

Nobody speaks for a moment. Instead, we just sit there and listen to him, and I feel a stab of guilt. I'm hopeless at comforting others.

And then Phantom starts to sing. "When all of your wind has gone and all of the paths you've drawn have sunk to the ocean sand where no one can see you stand ... "

"Stop it," Braken mutters, his voice shaking.

"Don't let the dark embrace cower the dreams you chase. Under the rust and blood, don't let yourself give up."

"And all these steps ... " Braken whispers, giving in. "These steps that we take ... "

"Are leading us far away." Phantom slowly crosses the room and sits on the bed again, next to him. "And all these years passing each day ... "

"Since then, we are far away."

"From where we were, we did what we could."

"We're lightyears away from where we stood."

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