018 - Regroup

215 18 25

Song of the Chapter: From the Dust - Rogue (Drumstep)

By the way, Earth EP is probably my favorite EP.

(Evee's POV)

I didn't expect to be nervous for the ones who kidnapped me, but after watching the streets through the hotel window and seeing all the MI patrolling the city, I start to get worried. Danyka left almost forty five minutes ago and still hasn't come back, and the group with Phantom and Noisestorm just barely returned, introducing Aero Chord and Au5. Aero freaks me out more than Noisestorm does, and Au5 is just weird. I can't tell if he's thinking about lunch or plotting a murder. I avoid him as much as I can, but Laura makes me introduce myself to them before I can hide in our room.

About twenty minutes later, Laura comes back in and flops on her bed. "There's nothing to do," she complains.

I shrug and continue drawing. I only look up when I hear someone singing.

"I miss those nights when we were younger, and we would never sleep. So let's forget about tomorrow and live for tonight while we're free."

I try to ignore it, but his voice is nice and I like listening to it. It's coming from the other room.

"And our hands will touch the sky. Tonight we're coming alive."

"Wait for it ... " Laura mutters.

Who ever is singing lets out two loud but beautiful 'whoa' sounds. In spite of myself, I smile.

And our hands will touch the sky. Tonight we're coming alive.

"From the Dust we will awaken, and life will fill our veins. These are the moments that we live for, I can't keep it inside of me."

"Who is that?" I ask.

"Rogue," Laura answers. "He has such a nice voice. I sang with him once." She starts humming, interrupting his singing, at least in my ears.

I must admit, I'm surprised. For some reason, I didn't expect him to be able to sing, not like that. I start to draw again, this time sketching a figure reaching up to the starry sky. "He does," I eventually say.


"Oh ... I just meant he has a nice voice."

"Why don't you tell him?" She's smirking at me now.

Because I'm supposed to hate him. I shrug. "Maybe I will."

An hour or so later, Monstercat calls us in for another meeting. I'm relived to see Danyka back with Tristam and Braken when we walk in. Tristam gives me a little smile when I meet his gaze. I feel myself blushing, so I just wave a little. Braken is staring at everything like it might explode, his eyes wide and his face pale. The three sit down and Tristam lays back on the bed, falling asleep almost instantly. Rogue is nowhere to be seen.

"You said something about this MI car you saw," Monstercat starts off, looking at Danyka for confirmation.

"Yeah. We followed three for a while and then one turned. We split and followed the loner. They pulled into this underground garage thing so we parked and I went into a store to look normal." Danyka turns to Braken, since Tristam is asleep. "Your turn."

He shifts uncomfortably. "Um ... " he says before pausing again. He adjusts the green scarf around his neck like he's too warm, but unwilling to take it off.

"Tell them about the guy and the window and your thoughts," Danyka encourages.

"Um ... Tristam fell asleep so I kept watching, and then I saw two guys in black and one in handcuffs." He glances at Danyka for reassurance. She waves him forward. "They went in the building and a few minutes later, there was this flash and a bang like a gunshot." He puts his hands in his lap and stares at the floor, playing with his fingers.

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