036 - Storm

158 10 4

Song of the Chapter: Leaving Now - Noisestorm (DnB) 
Wanchu Back - Aero Chord (Trap) 

Yes, there's two again ...

I'll admit Noisestorm's not super great at lyrics, but I still enjoy his song a lot.

(Nitro Fun's POV)

I feel like we're just wasting time here. I mean, come on. It's only a matter of time before the MI or that guy Jensen find us. When they do, it's going to be a heck of a lot harder to get things done. Sure, we were waiting for Tristam, but now that he's back, why don't we just keep going? I'm tired of waiting.

I run back up the stairs for probably the fifth time, not because I particularly like exercising, but because I really really really need to let this energy out before I explode. People are starting to hate me.

I pause as I hear something, further up. It sounds like someone ... crying. That's weird. The only one who ever cries is Braken, and he's always in his bed when he does. "Hello?" I call. "Are you okay up there?"

I hear the person catch their breath in surprise, but they don't answer.

"Braken? Is that you?" I try again.

There's still no answer, so I climb up the rest of the stairs to find out. I hear them scramble to their feet and run, going higher up to the next floor.

I'm determined to find this person, so I follow them up all the way to the fourth floor, where I hear the door open and slam shut. I open it and run out, only to see someone in a blue hoodie duck around the corner. Blue hoodie? I follow him down the hall and around the corner, but he's vanished. There's only a vending machine in the back end - not even a door to the outside or an elevator or anything. I walk down the hall and peek around the vending machine.

"Noisestorm?!" I yelp.

"Leave me alone," he says, his voice shaking. His eyes are red from crying.

I never expected him, of all people. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay." He sinks to the floor and buries his face in his arms.

"What happened?"

"None of your business."

I don't move.

"Go away, Nitro. I want to be alone."

"Do you want me to go get Phantom?"


The tone of his voice scares me, and I take a step back. Something must've happened between them. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. He betrayed me. I don't want to talk to anyone, much less that backstabbing son of a - "

"Hang on!" I cut him off. "What did he do?"

"Leave me alone," he says, avoiding my question.

I put my hands in the air in surrender and back up. "Alright, fine. I'm sorry." I turn and leave, but walk as quietly as I can to try and hear anything else. He just finishes his sentence and sighs, trying to calm his breathing.

I think I missed something while I was occupied with the stairs. I go back down to the second floor rooms and let myself in.

"Phantom?" I call, closing the door behind me.

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