031 - Silence

238 9 11

Song of the Chapter: Antihero - Noisestorm (Trap)

(Phantom's POV)

I allow a quick look around the alley corner at the building. "See anything?" I whisper into my communicator.

"Not yet," Aero Chord replies. He's up on the rooftops, an eye in the sky.

I wait another minute or two.

"There," he whispers. "Two men in all black. Both carrying rifles, both with keycards. They're our way in. They're coming toward you. Be ready."

"Got it." I press my back against the alley wall and slow my breathing. As soon as the men are close enough, I spring from my hiding place, tackling one. Aero is there in a split second, seeming to appear out of thin air. He takes the second one, and we knock them out quickly and quietly, dragging them into the alley. I grin in spite of myself. They're going to have nice little reminders of our visit when they wake up.

I take the first one and pull his uniform shirt over his head, leaving him with just his undershirt. Aero keeps watch while I pull off his pants and shoes, too, leaving them in a pile. I make sure I have the keycard and anything else of importance, and then sit him up against the back wall.

"I almost feel bad for them," I mutter.

"I don't." Aero doesn't look at me, still keeping his silent watch by the entrance of the alley way.

The other one is a lot smaller, and as I get a closer look, my heart lurches. "This one's a girl!" I hiss.


"So?! I'm not going to undress a girl!"

"Why not?"

"Why not - " I throw my hands in the air. "It's a freaking girl!"

"Stop being so picky and hurry up."

"Why don't you do it?"

He shrugs. "Fine. You're wearing hers. You look to be about her size."

"Was that an insult?"


I take his place by the entrance and stare out into the street. A few moments later, he calls me and I turn around, only to get the pile of clothes thrown in my face. "You're a jerk," I tell him.

"Just put them on." He's already halfway done dressing himself in the man's uniform, slipping the keycard into his pocket and picking up the rifle.

I sigh loudly and pull the girl's shirt over my head. Surprisingly, it fits pretty well, but I'll never tell Aero that. The pants are a little bit trickier, but eventually I get them on, too. I pick up her keycard from off the ground and take her own rifle. The gun makes me uncomfortable, but I pretend it doesn't bother me and copy Aero's movements.

Of course, I've used rifles more than once. My dad had one, and he taught me how to use it. He never specified why, though I asked constantly. I guess he knew what was going to happen. He knew who I was going to become. I only wish I would have known what would become of him. Then maybe I could have saved him and my mother, and maybe even my baby brother. But who knows; I can't change the past.

"Phantom," Aero snaps, and I look up, ripped from the memories. "Come on."

I follow him out of the alley and onto the street. The keycards work perfectly and let us into the building without trouble. We observe for a moment and then walk like the others do, in pairs with straight backs and stern expressions. I try to swallow my fear, with no luck. While I don't mind being in the middle of the enemy, I don't like to be seen - I don't like this disguise plan. I feel exposed, like everyone can see through me.

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