000 - N.ote

154 6 7

Song of the Chapter: One Man Moon Band - Stephen Walking (Electronic/EDM) technically miscellaneous

For all you new readers ... I'm sorry, this is weird, I don't know what I was thinking

(DragonSwirl's POV)

I tap my phone screen, thinking hard. I'm sure I have more than one person mad at me after reading 018 and 019 ... what to say about that ...

Oh man, just wait until ... nope. Not yet. TOO SOON.

Alright, so, I've been writing this way more than I should have ... is it still good? Definitely more exciting. I keep rereading it and laughing and feeling a little bit hurt. Why do I have to keep all these secrets? UGH.

I try my best to keep thinking, but my thoughts keep wandering. OH WAIT. I had a super weird dream the other day where I got bit by a rattlesnake and no one cared (including myself) so I kept walking until I reached this house and GUESS WHO WAS INSIDE?? EVERYONE! THE ENTIRE MONSTERCAT FAMILY but before I could talk to them, they all disappeared and Ninjotic wouldn't help me because she was too busy freaking out about these two little dogs who kept running into each other and morphing together - when I woke up I realized they were the Hyper Potions but I didn't know that at the moment. I ran down the stairs and yelled WHERE IS EVERYBODY?! And Rogue turned around and said, "Dude, we're right here" and he was really mad at me and I was so sad, I turned off my alarm in my sleep.

True story.

Anyway ...

Stay on topic. Oh ... what if someone asked me MY favorite character? Um ... I don't know. Noisestorm was my favorite, but now he's just making me MAD. That totally just autocorrected to all caps. I have a problem ...

FOCUS - OH MY GOSH. I'm becoming him in a way that drives my sister crazy. She can't handle the song puns. I mentioned three AT LEAST in the last dream I said. The other day (hehehe), I was telling my friend (hehehe) about a dream (I need to stop) I had where I was Nitro Fun - don't judge, my brain is weird - and I happened to say "new game" and stopped everything for like three seconds before exploding with laughter and she just started at me like I was insane ...

And my favorite part ... don't get me started.

I pause once again (I'm hilarious, I know) and scold myself. If this keeps up, I'm going to fail school. I need to stay on track.

Should I give up on this? Probably. Am I going to? Definitely not. You're stuck with me, guys, until the end of ... something. Ooh! Until world's end (hehehe).

Anyway ...

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