030 - Heartbeat

203 10 16

Song of the Chapter: Fat Cat  Adventures - Tut Tut Child (Glitch Hop)

Not a Monstercat video because something strange happened and their Old Songs: New Layout and EP Songs: New Layout channels are gone ...

And of course, I had a similar unfortunate event happen to me a month ago and I still hurt, in case you're wondering.

(Phantom's POV)

I only sleep for a couple hours before waking up around five, feeling rested and refreshed. I roll out of bed, careful of Braken, though he's about to fall off of his side. The morning is still cloudy, it looks like, but it's not raining anymore. I keep my sweat pants and my purple t-shirt on and pull on my shoes, heading to the door.

"What're you doing?" Noisestorm mutters.

"Going on a run." I take off my beanie and throw it at him. "Want to come?"

He closes his eyes and lets it smack into his face. "If you let me get some caffeine, sure." He climbs out of the couch bed and stretches. "I need to get out of here."

I hand him a dollar from my wallet. "Fine, but only if it's like a Dr. Pepper or something. Stephen will kill us both of you're high on caffeine."

He grins at me, takes the dollar, and holds it against his chest. "I solemnly swear I will not get high on caffeine."

I roll my eyes and smack him. "Just hurry up."

He puts on his shoes, brushes his hair with his hand, and shuffles out the door. I follow him down to the vending machine and watch as he shoves the money inside. "I need another one," he says. I sigh and give one to him. He presses the button and a can of some energy drink falls down. He takes it out, pops it open, and starts gulping it down.

"Hey, hey, give me that." I snag it away from him and check the amount of caffeine. "Dude, you can't drink this."

"Sure I can." He grabs it back and downs the rest of it before I can take it away again. I stare at him and he laughs. "Remember how we met?"

"I thought you wanted to forget that morning."

"I do, until I need to prove you're wrong." He shrugs. "If I can drink three cups of coffee in a half an hour, this will be a piece of cake."

I sigh and give up. "Alright, fine. Come on."

We go outside into the chilly morning air and I start to jog. Man, I haven't had a good run in a while. I need to go out more often. We're quiet for a while, at least until Noisestorm's caffeine kicks in. Then he won't shut up. He's jogging next to me, breathing hard and cracking jokes, and every one in a while, he grabs my arm to slow me down.

"Hey hey hey hey we should race," he suddenly says when I pause at the street corner.

"I'm going to win," I say.

"How do you know?" He hits my arm over and over again, practically bouncing up and down.

"Because I just do."

The light turns red and the cross walk blinks green. "Okayreadysetgo!" Noisestorm suddenly takes off down the street, flying past crowds of people and narrowly avoiding getting hit by a car. "Youcanthitmeitsillegal!" he shrieks, jumping away from it.

Stephen is going to kill me.

I run after him, but don't dare call his name, in case anyone's listening. I catch up quickly and reach out to slow him down, but he slips before I can grab him. He falls backward with a yell and lands on his butt. I stare at him and he stares ahead blankly and silently for about a second, and then suddenly swears loudly, scaring me.

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