009 - Murmur

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Song of the Chapter: Time Bomb (Feat. Veela) - Feint & Boyinaband (DnB)

I realize things aren't super exciting yet, just bare with me ... the worst is yet to come.

(Monstercat's POV)

We pull up to the hotel we previously bought rooms at and sneak us all in. The story's a little long and awkward,  so I'll spare you the details. Just know that I will never look at stuffed animals the same way again.

Once we get up to the rooms, we're greeted by two pleasant surprises.

"Danyka Nadeau," Noisestorm says. "Oh, and Laura Brehm. Never seen  without each other, as usual."

"Like you and Phantom are any different," one of them says, laughing.

"And ... why is he wearing your hoodie?" the other giggles.

Noisestorm shrugs and Phantom smacks him. "Take your hoodie back," he grumbles, pulling it off over his head. "I don't want anyone getting any ideas."

"Like what? We're a couple?" Noisestorm jokes, but then frowns as he realizes what he said. The two of them share an awkward glance and both yell, "NOPE" at the same time. Phantom chucks the blue hoodie at his friend and storms into one of our rooms, his face bright red.

"That," Noisestorm says after an awkward silence, "was an accident."

Laura and Danyka laugh and enter their own room, separated from the other guys. I give Eveelyn a little shove and she slowly follows them.

We have five rooms all together,  since there's so many of us; one for the three girls and four for the boys - there's too many of them to count,  especially since half of them won't stop moving. I let everyone get settled and rest for an hour before I call everyone into the middle room to explain my idea. Some of the artists have been questioning my motives.

"Is everyone here?" I ask, standing up on the little desk. Nobody answers and everyone keeps talking. "IS EVERYONE HERE?" I shout.

The room finally quiets down and I can get a good look at everyone. There's barely enough space for everyone, and we're all jam-packed, but I've never felt better. We're a family now. Well ... except maybe Eveelyn. She's still kind of shoved herself in the corner and won't interact with anyone. I'll talk to her later.

Well, this is it. There's no backing down now. "Some of you have been wondering why I thought coming into the city was a good idea," I begin and someone mutters something under their breath. "Well, I have some things to explain." I rub my paws together and grin. "The MI's base is here, correct? So if we're here, too, and they don't know we are, we can watch them. See what they're actually doing here, what protection they have, how easy it'll be to sneak past them. Phantom can get in easier to grab more music. The rest of us can pick up supplies and stock up the campsite, in case we have to leave on short notice. Plus, some of you really need some civilization interaction."

There's a collective chuckle, but the emotions on the artists' faces range from annoyance to fear to excitement.

"Anyone who doesn't feel comfortable here can go back to the campsite, if they want to," I suggest. "I'm sure someone will take you."

"That's it?" Muzzy grumbles.

"That's it," I say, shifting my feet uncomfortably. "We can plan things more easily if we know what we're up against."

"True." Tristam nods, leaning back on the bed post. "Plus, I think there are still a few of us here - in the city."

"So you're not going to forbid me from buying more fireworks?" Noisestorm calls from across the room.

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