013 - Conquest (010)

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Song of the Chapter: Because We Are - Soulero & Hellberg (Progressive House); I love this song with all my heart

Yeah I skipped 009 because I honestly have no idea how to fit it into the story.

(Monstercat's POV)

The next morning, I wake up to a yell. I leap out of my blanket bed, thinking something's wrong, but really, that's just Phantom's way of showing excitement. He must've found the jacket I bought him. I smile and stretch, ready to start the day, even though I only got a few hours of sleep. "How'd you sleep, Hellberg?" I call across the room.

"Pretty good, actually," he responds cheerfully.

"And Soulero?" He'd been found last night, right before the pizza got here.

"Still out cold," Hellberg laughs.

"How 'bout you, Phantom?"

He doesn't answer. He's too busy making little squeaky noises as he puts the new jacket on. I'm glad to see that he's thrilled. It fits him, too. It's a very dark purple, and there's a cool heart thing on the gigantic pockets. The heart itself is split in half with a spine looking thing and ribs making up one half of it. The other half is blood red, and the whole thing is wearing a pair of headphones. The whole jacket was like three dollars at the store - they wanted to get rid of it because it "symbolized unauthorized music". I saw it and immediately thought of Phantom. He deserves it.

"And Noisestorm?" I call, glancing at the empty bed. "Where is he?"

There's a loud groan from the bathroom, sounding vaguely like "don't talk to me", so I wander over to investigate.

Noisestorm is curled up on the floor, breathing heavily and moaning softly. "Get out," he mutters under his breath.

"What happened to you?" I ask, sort of concerned, but also laughing inside.

"The empire has fallen," he answers with a grimace. "The Pizza King has been overthrown."

"Do you need some water?"

"Yeah, thanks." He pauses for a second before saying, "Don't tell Stephen. I'll never hear the end of it."

I get him an unopened water bottle and hand it to him as Phantom asks, "How many did you eat?"

"Eight ... or nine. I don't remember."

"Dude, that's like an entire box."

"I know ... " he moans, struggling to twist the cap off.

I leave the two of them there and wander to the other rooms. "Wake up, guys, it's planning time," I say, knocking on the doors. I'm greeted with various groans and a few cheerful responses.

Maybe a half an hour later, we're gathered in my room, a map of the city spread out across the table. "Is everybody here?"

"Noisestorm is in the shower," Phantom says, glancing at Stephen Walking and snickering. "He says to start without him."

"He's sort of a vital part in the plan, but I guess I'll explain a little." I shrug and point at a square to begin my explanation and not-so-brilliant plan. "Who's ready to run the show?" I shout, earning a cheer. "This'll be a hit and run mission. We'll set the fireworks off and run - let them see that we can take them. That's basically it, and we'll split into groups to explain the details. The main targets are here, here, here, and here, with some smaller ones around the city. I picked these because I don't want citizens to get hurt."

"Then you shouldn't hit there," Nitro says, pointing to one of the squares.

"Why not?"

"Too many kids go there at night. Especially on weekends. Trust me, it's not going to be pretty if we blow it up." He looks up at the others as if for support and then huffs in annoyance. "I know things, too, believe it or not. Plus, I am a 'kid'. I know kid stuff."

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