014 - Rebellion

248 17 15

Song of the Chapter: Emergency (Feat. Natasha Waterman) - Chris Ramos (House)

I know the first half of this chapter seems super random but it'll be a little more important later on ... you'll have to trust me.



(Phantom's POV)

I return with my black paint about an hour later and dump the bags on the desk, the brushes spilling out onto the surface. Without replying to Tristam's greeting, I grab a pen and the note pad on the desk and start drawing. "Is it okay if I use you as a reference?" I call to Monstercat across the room.

"Sure ... " he answers slowly.

I draw a couple of designs, but scribble them out in frustration. "Who in here can draw?"

There's a few mumbles, but everyone implies that they can't.

Just then, Noisestorm throws open the door and drops onto the bed in defeat. He rakes his hand through his hair and sighs loudly, but not in annoyance like he usually does. He sounds angered, but saddened at the same time.

"Where've you been?" Monstercat says jokingly. "You're important to our plan."

"Sure I am," he grumbles, flipping over on his stomach to hang over the side of the bed.

"What's up?" I ask.


"Something's bothering you. What is it? Maybe I could help."

"Doubt it."

"Come on, Noise."

"I tried to talk to Eveelyn, alright? She pretended like she didn't know what I was talking about, like she didn't know she hurt me. And that hurts, you know? When you try so hard to forgive and they pretend nothing happened."

The room is silent for a moment, none of us sure how to respond. Noisestorm waits for a second and then sighs again.

"I'm sorry," I say finally.

He snorts like he thinks I don't mean it.

"Give her a few days," Monstercat suggests.

I turn back to my failed drawing. It's uncomfortably warm in here, so I pull off my new jacket and drape it over my chair. Behind me, I can hear some other guys taking off their shirts as well, and someone yells, "Who the heck turned up the heat? It's like ninety degrees in here. Seriously, the heater says so."

I shrug and ignore them until I realize that yeah, I need to escape my clothes, so I pull my white shirt over my head. I can hear Noisestorm complaining about being too hot and call over to him. "You can take your shirt off, too, if you want."

"I don't want to," he snaps back, rolling back over.

"You should, or you'll smell like sweat, and no one wants that." I stand and push my way over to him. "Come on, stand up."

"Nope." He crosses his arms defiantly.

I grab his wrist and try to haul him up, but he goes limp and becomes a dead weight as I'm pulling him up. Instead, I dump him on the floor.

"Hey, that hurt," he grumbles, sitting up and rubbing his arm where he hit it.

"Come on, Noise. Don't be gross. Take your shirt off," I laugh as I yank him to his feet.

"I really don't want to," he protests.

"Why not?" I tease. He half-heartedly swats my hand away, but I twist around and grab the bottom seam of his shirt, pulling it up.

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