024 - Unbreakable

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Song of the Chapter: Break Them - Aero Chord ft. Anna Yvette (Trap) I have to say, trap is probably my favorite genre and Aero Chord makes some GOOD STUFF. Plus I love the siren thing

Also I have a really weird story to go along with that song involving my cousin almost driving us into a ditch

I was writing this and I swear like ten Tristam songs came on ... first Frame of Mind, then Follow Me, Before We Fade, Empire of Sound (the collab one - with him singing it), Far Away, and My Friend. Okay, that was six, but you know what

(Tristam's POV)

I wake up to darkness and voices. My throat is dry and my head is pounding like a drum, making it hard to think. I'm slumped in a chair, unable to move, even though I'm not restrained. I think there's a needle in my arm, but it's dark and my vision is extremely blurry, not to mention I'm still sort of numb.

The voices next to me are both familiar and strange. One of them is one of the men from earlier, the one who knocked me out, I think. The other is much more animated, though I don't recognize it. They're talking about me.

"Leandre Berube," the unfamiliar voice says, saying my name in a ridiculous accent. "Hmm. Twenty-one years old. Located in Vancouver, Canada." There's a pause. "This has very useful information. Put this away in the files - make a new one for ... what was he called?"


"No, the ridiculous stage name."

"Tristam, I believe."

"Yes, that one. Go make a new file called 'Tristam' and store it in there. Make sure the scientists at the lab know that's where they will put the results, so we don't have another incident, like last week."

"Yes, sir."

I try to get up, or at least straighten my aching back, but I can't do much more than tense up and relax.

"Oh," the animated man says, sounding smug. "Look who's awake."

"What are you going to do to me?" I demand - or at least try to. All that comes out is a soft groan. "Mnugh ... " I say instead.

"Yes, I know."

"What do you know?" I try again, but once more, it comes out like, "Whahmngh ...?"

He laughs and I try to glare at him, which is hard, keeping in mind that I can't actually see him. I try to tell him to stop mocking me, and this time, it comes out a little clearer. "Stah moghin me."

"My little Leo," he says, almost regretfully, like he's scolding a little child. He carefully traces his finger across my forehead, brushing my hair away, and then draws a line down the side of my face and across my jaw. "You're mine now. I can do whatever I want with you."

His words and actions give me the chills. He's touching me like I'm a specimen, not a human being. As I shiver, I realize that I'm finally regaining feeling in my body, except for my arm with the needle in it. I struggle to sit up and the man laughs again.

"We're not much different, you and I. We like to do things our own way and in our own comfort."

If he thinks that's who I am, he's terribly mistaken. I finally push myself up and am able to blink the blurry spots away. "How ... " I begin, struggling to form the words. "How do you ... you know who ... who I am?"

"We've been on the look out for a very long time, Leo. Especially for you, since you're arguably the most popular label artist. Isn't one of your songs titled 'Follow Me'? And that's exactly what people are doing. We can't have that, now can we?"

Rebel: A Monstercat FanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin