008 - Embrace (006)

353 17 40

Song of the Chapter: This Is It - Rogue (Moombahcore)

(Evee's POV)

I have to get out of here. These people are completely insane - not to mention they have no idea what they're doing. The guy who carried me here - Noisestorm, I think ... what kind of name is that? - is sitting outside of the tent, supposedly 'keeping watch'. The other one, Phantom, must've figured out that I don't trust them and told the others. I don't think he wants me leaving, but I'm not sure why. Maybe he thinks I'll turn them in. Honestly, I might. I don't like the idea of them roaming the forest and accidentally kidnapping people. At least they sort of helped me. I'm feeling a lot better after eating something and drinking some clean water.

How am I going to escape? I can hear the river from here, and I know if I follow that, I might be able to find something - the bridge to Vancouver, maybe. That is, if I go in the right direction. The problem is getting out of the camp without anyone noticing.

I think it's about three in the morning, so most of them are asleep. I can see the flickering shadows of the fire through the tent walls, and know that a few are sitting there, doing whatever the heck it is they do.

I've always been told I'm a good actress. Maybe I could persuade Noisestorm to let me go. Or maybe I can get him in here, and he'll fall asleep. I remember that when he offered to take watch, the guy named Muzzy (what is with these names?!) refused to let him have any caffeine, so he shouldn't have anymore energy than the rest of them, right?

I can hear the remaining artists telling each other that they're going to bed, and reminding Noisestorm to stay awake and holler if anything happens. I have to think of a good way to get him in here. I'm just a quiet, introverted girl. What can I do?

A few minutes pass before I decide to give it a shot. "Noisestorm?" I call quietly, my heart fluttering nervously.

I hear him sigh from outside. "Yeah?" he answers.

"Can you come in here for a second?"

"Why? Muzzy's exact words were 'things could happen'."

"I'm scared."

He sighs again. "Well, what do I have to lose?"

I don't mention that he has a lot to lose, since I'm about to escape.

He unzips the tent and crawls in. "What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know." I hug my knees and rock back and forth, and it's honestly not hard to fit into this role. I'm pretty nervous about being on my own again, but these guys freak me out.

"What are you afraid of?"

"I don't know," I repeat. "I just feel ... scared. I have anxiety." That part isn't a lie, although it's gotten better over the years.

He scoots closer to me until we're almost touching. I'm suddenly a little more uncomfortable than I anticipated. "It's okay," he says. "I'm here. I won't let anything hurt you."

I want to laugh out loud, but I don't. Instead, I fight to look relieved. "Thanks." I lean over until my head is resting on his shoulder, only because I feel like it would help my act. In reality, I sort of have the urge to punch him or something. "You know what?" I mumble.


"I think you're pretty nice."

His shoulder moves, and even though I can't hear it, and can feel him holding in his laughter. "You do, now do you?"

"Yep." I yawn, and he yawns, too.

Getting him to talk isn't very hard. He's a loud person, but he keeps his voice down as he tells me about some crazy things. I can tell he's pretty excited. Eventually, he gets me laughing, although I don't understand most of his jokes.

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