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The presence of Mr. Nobody makes me nervous, his hard face and perfectly muscled body can intimidate anyone, why he has gone directly to Ryan's cabin. I Hope Ryan didn't tangle with his girlfriend on a bed, shit! if this is the case Ryan would be a dead man. My heart started pounding rapidly. I had witnessed how easily he brought Steve down on the floor with his mighty blow. Should I go and check on Ryan? For nothing then at least I can help him by calling 911. However, Ryan deserves the beating, he is really a man-whore, one second he was looking at me intently and the next moment he was banging Lucy. Let him get punished... I walked near Ryan's cabin as there was no sound of any arguments, helplessly I entered the cabin.

I opened the door, Ryan's eyes met mine and he started to grin but the grin fell almost immediately. Lucy is standing near his table holding the pen and notepad, Mr. Nobody turned to observe Ryan's gaze, and now the whole three pairs of eyes are fixed on me.

"Do you guys need something?" Awkwardly I asked forcing a smile on my face, it seems a more pleasant scenario than what I presumed. Mr. Nobody nonchalantly moved his gaze from me, arrogant man, like I mean nothing. Ryan gave me a cold look.

"Get us two coffees" he ordered shifting his gaze from me to Mr. Nobody.

"I'm glad you make it on time, not unlike last time, you didn't even show up at my party though you promised me." His statement shook me up, Ryan was referring to the party night, Mr. Nobody was with me, oh he is a friend of Ryan, Why am I surprised, all arrogant pricks are his friends. I glued to my place, waiting for Mr. Nobody's answer, who was dangerously silent.

"Why do you call me Ryan?" He dodged his accusation with his direct question, I am relieved as I don't want to be a center of attraction.

"Do you have any problem there Jenny?" Ryan's stern voice stuttered me, I nervously shook my head before leaving his room.


This stupid friend of mine never had the decency to knock on the door, luckily Lucy and I were decent. I noticed Jenny is behaving strangely, what was cooking in her mind?

"Ryan, I don't like to repeat myself" A rough voice of my friend disturbed my thoughts.

"I know buddy, always in a rough mood, you need to chill out a bit man" he had been like that since I knew him, he has built a big strong wall around him and doesn't like to discuss his personal life, a very mysterious person but a very good friend. He helped me when I required a true friend. I owe him my life.

"I have tried once, you know what, it doesn't work in my case" something happened to him, if he was cold earlier then he became callous now. Earlier at least he used to smile at my nonsense talks but apparently, he forgot to smile and most importantly to live.

I gave him a small nod, his eyes turned to Lucy, his expression became hard.

"Why is she standing here?" he scoffed looking at Lucy who was taken aback by his question.

"Lucy, just cancel my all appointments for a week, something important comes up. Thanks" I dismissed her, and she hesitantly smiled before leaving.

"You don't need to be rude to my employees" I complained to him, he is very dear to me but it doesn't give him a right to misbehave with my employees.

"You mean with your fucking toys, huh? " there goes the last thread of my patience, I was about to snap at Rick when I saw Jenny enter the room with the coffee mugs.

"Can't you knock, you seem to forget a simple etiquette" I directed my frustration over Jenny, her beautiful face dropped.

"You asked me for coffees" her fiery eyes shot a death glare at me.

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