Chapter 37

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Hey everyone! I hope you guys enjoy this chap, tell me what you think! Thanks for reading, and enjoy!

NOTE - Pictured above are Kyle (left), Blu (middle), and Derek (right). See the actors who play them in the cast list!


Draco's POV -

A loud knock on my door the following morning wakes me up.

When my eyes slide open, I see nothing but darkness, until the door to my dorm is pushed open.

"Who the hell-" I begin to grumble in a raspy voice, shielding my eyes with the back of my hand as soft light streams in through the crack in the door.

"Wake up, mate." I hear a peppy voice belonging to Flint say, and my sheets are ripped off of me, much to my displeasure. "We have a game today."


It's only then that I hear the heavy clunking of Quidditch boots on my floor, and jolt straight up in bed. "Huh?"

"Quidditch game, big one against Hufflepuff. Bastards." Flint mutters as he walks over to my chest, picking up my watch between two of his fingers and loosely examining it.

What the hell? Am I late? All of these thoughts begin to race through my mind in a hurried rush. I'd completely forgotten about the game today. Because it's Tuesday, classes had been cancelled for the game, which I sure don't have a problem with. The view outside of my dorm window is shrouded in darkness, and I have a gut feeling that Flint woke me up many hours early.

"Don't worry, you won't be late." Flint says, making his move toward the door as he chucks my watch back onto my chest. "Just be down to the Great Hall in ten."

With a quiet click, the door closes, and I'm out of bed.

I don't have a problem getting up. I slept surprisingly well last night, and I have no idea how. Jennifer had slept in her dorm, but the mere thought that I had her back in my arms led me to a refreshing night of sleep.

I slide out of bed, prepared to get my Quidditch gear on and get out to the pitch to win a match.


The great hall is completely deserted when I finally make my way down to it to meet the rest of the team. Flint spends the whole breakfast urging all of us to eat, while not touching any food himself. Soon enough, he's hurried off outside before anyone else can finish, in order to get an idea of the conditions.

When the whole team makes it down to the pitch, Flint immediately rushes us into the locker rooms, as he's seen that the Hufflepuff team has emerged from the castle doors.

"Alright, guys, you know the drill." Flint clears his throat as we all finish bustling around in our lockers and make our way towards the center of the room. "We get out there, and we go for it. We have to win this game. If we do, we move onto the semifinals with Ravenclaw, and if we win those, then we're in the finals for the Quidditch house cup. But let's focus on this game for now." He finishes, blowing into his palms and rubbing them together in order to warm up his hands in the chilly room.

The entire team nods their heads anxiously. We all know that we have to win this game, which leaves most of the pressure on me - the Seeker.

My mind begins to wander off, thinking about whether or not Jennifer will be here. I'd forgotten about the game until this morning, so I doubt she knows.

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