Chapter 63

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Hey guys! 

I had a competition this weekend, so it was a little hard to update, but I don't have as much homework tonight and figured I'd get something up for you guys! 

Thank you for sticking with me through this book - it's officially the beginning of the end! 

Love you all, and enjoy ;)


Draco's POV - 

I'm in the room of requirement.

It's dark outside - the entire grounds have been cloaked in a hungry sheath of black. The light from the moon is white and washed out, like a once-vibrant shirt that's gone through the wash too many times.

The wash - Jennifer taught me about this. Muggles have these strange contraptions called washers and dryers, and they put all of their clothes in them to be cleaned. It makes me damn grateful to hear these things, because I've always used a charm on my clothing that prevents it from getting dirty in the first place.


The sound of her name in my head makes me smile for the first time in days. My heart melts into a warm, gooey mess in my chest, and my eyelids flutter in an oddly feminine manner. Oh, how the girl has changed me.

Even as cold and shattered as she is, she still makes me feel particularly sappy. I used to be a person of profound iciness, with an ego bigger than life itself. That's all changed, now - there's much more to be thankful for than pure blood and fortune. I only wish I could share this discovery with my parents, the death eaters, the world - they'd never understand.

Just then, there's a soft noise behind me - a sort of pattering that makes me jump in my own shoes. I whip around, tearing my wand from the inside pocket of my coat and shooting it out at arm's length. No one else comes in the room of requirement this early besides me.

Thankfully, it's only Jennifer.

She has a creamy fleece blanket draped over her shoulders, which pools at the floor around her feet like an angel's robes. Her vibrant hair has been twisted into an odd snarl on the top of her head, her eyes narrowed by sleep, and she's the most heavenly thing I've ever seen.

"C'mere." I say, and she pads over to me, snuggling into my arms. Her head lays sideways against my chest, and I know she's trying to find the muffled sound of my heartbeat. I press an array of kisses to her forehead, overwhelmed by the warmth blossoming within me like spring.

"Why are you up so early?"

Her shoulders raise lightly. "I couldn't sleep."

"That's okay." I say, my voice softening in ways that I didn't know it could. I plant a few more stray kisses to her - cheeks, forehead, temples, anywhere that I can reach.

"What are you doing down here so early?" She asks groggily.

My heart falls.

Of course I'm working on my task - she's too tired to realize this, though. I've been making the final preparations, which only consist of one last test on the vanishing cabinet, just to make sure it'll work right when I need it to.

Hell, part of me doesn't want it to.

But I've made a decision - one that concerns Jennifer and her knowledge of the task. It was hard, but I'm afraid that if she knows I'll be in danger while attempting to kill Dumbledore, she'll try to intervene and save me. This would be terrible, considering the fact that Voldemort wants her dead and all of his most loyal servants plan to be in my company at the time. I have to do what I have to do to keep her safe.

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