Chapter 44

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Hey guys! Here's a new chapter I really think you'll enjoy, tell me what you think! Thank you for reading and sticking with me!

Enjoy! XOXO


Jennifer's POV -

The following day, my mind is but a jumble of wild and anxious thoughts.

I don't know what Blu was attempting to do to me yesterday, but it certainly was no stunning spell. In fact, I don't think it was any sort of spell at all. Either way, I know that whatever she was trying to do didn't succeed, for its power never fully purged on my mind. Whatever it was, I'm just hoping she doesn't try it on me again, because I know that if she were to succeed, the effects would include much more than just knocking me unconscious.

This is something I haven't told Draco about yet, or anyone for that matter. I haven't had the time to fully contemplate it.

And as for the Death Eaters in Draco's manor, I can't keep my mind off of them either.

What had they been talking about yesterday? Something about a student at Hogwarts that has some sort of item that the Death Eaters are looking for, something that Voldemort himself has apparently been looking for for a long time. And if they're unable to obtain it, bad things could happen to Voldemort's side.

Even Draco didn't know anything about this; he'd been just as confused as I was. All that the both of us know is that we weren't suppose to hear that conversation yesterday, and someone at Hogwarts is in danger.

Draco isn't at class yet again today, not to my surprise. He told me that he'd be working on his task, so I have no idea when I'll be seeing him next.

Slughorn decides to have us work in our assigned groups again today, so Josefina and I both drag our stools over to Derek's table, where he's sitting alone.

"It's a little quiet today." I say to Josefina, taking notice of the absence of noise in the classroom.

"Yeah, because Blu's not here." She says. When I glance around the room, I discover that she isn't, which is rather odd. However, I dismiss the matter quickly; it's probably nothing.

"Hey, Josefina." Derek smirks, as though begging for her attention. "How's your day been?"

"Great, right up until now." She sighs, plopping her books down onto the table. She looks at me, making a gun shape with her fingers and placing it under her chin, pretending to pull the trigger.

A small giggle escapes my lips as I take the seat next to her, slinging my bag over the back of the chair.

The first fifteen minutes of class for me are spent taking absent-minded notes and listening to Josefina constantly bicker with Derek.

"Rivera." Derek says, drawing each syllable of her last name out as if he's savoring the sound of the word on his tongue.

"What." She replies shortly, her quill pressing so hard onto her parchment that it pokes a hole into the material.

"You want to slide your pretty ass over here and help a guy out?" He says, a boyish smile curling his lip upwards as he motions to his nearly blank piece of parchment.

"Jesus." Josefina mutters. Her eyes close as she sucks in a quiet breath of air through her lips, looking as though she's holding back an unhealthy amount of impatience and displeasure.

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