The Perfect Way To Start Our Vacation

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"Well, here we are." Ren said as he and the others walked out of the train station. "Strange City, the island's capital. Where everyone on this island is treated as an equal. And soon, we'll be treated as equals as well."

"I seriously hope you're not lying." Clarissa replied. "Because if you are..."

"Come on, Clarissa. This place can't be that bad." Alex said. "I mean, look around you. Everything looks so peaceful. Fresh air, cool breeze, and those weird dog things with their weird A-Capella group."

The others turned as they saw the line of dogs with the A-Capella group pass by them.

"Hoi! I'm Temmie!" The dog with the wagon carrying the A-Capella group said.

"Are those guys always going to come around every time we mention them?" Jonas said with a raised eyebrow.

"Probably." Alex crossed her arms. "I mean, ever since we rode that cruise, we have seen them almost everywhere."

"Oh, not again." Clarissa placed a hand on her head.

"Let me guess. That song is playing in your head again?" Nona said.

"Yes. Yes, it is."

"Well, now that we are here, let's go find ourselves someplace for us to live in." Ren said. "And, I think I know just the place."

"Where?" The others asked.

Ren explained that there was a hotel that was not too far from the train station, so they decided to go over there. As they found the place, they were brought to their room, where it only had two bedrooms, each with a bathroom. Over there, they discussed on who goes where. They decided that Ren and Nona will share a room, Clarissa will take the couch, and Alex and Jonas will share the other room, but Jonas will give Alex the bed.

After that, they decided to start their vacation by going to Strange Stadium, where all of the Strange Ones battle each other with their powers. But since they are humans, they decided to watch. As soon as they took their seats, they watched a player knock their opponent down.

"Excuse me." Alex said, getting the attention of a rabbit and a fox which she assumed were police officers because of their uniforms. "My friends and I, we're new here and I have some questions. What's the purpose here?"

"Well, the purpose here is to knock your opponent down with everything you got." The rabbit said. "The players are always randomly selected, and we get to see who beats who. My friend here and I are just watching. Our chief gave us a break."

"Why? Do you guys fight for money or something?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

"Money? We do this for fun." The fox replied.


"Alex! You don't want to miss this! New opponents!" Ren pointed to the large screen.

Alex turned to the screen, which showed two pictures. One shows a picture of a teenager girl with rainbow hair, a white sleeveless pantsuit with rainbow lightning bolts under a blue jacket and goggles, and one showed a picture of another teenage girl with orange hair and blue eyes holding a large hammer. She looked at the arena and found the girls jump out of the crowd and onto the stage. 

With squinted eyes, Alex saw one of the girls run with speed and give the other girl a punch to the face. As a result, the girl stood and turned her hammer into a cannon and shot balls of energy at the girl. The rainbow girl's eyes widen, so she gave her metal bands a flick as two shields appeared on her wrists and blocked the hammer girl's attack and bounced it back at her. Spotting this, the hammer girl turned her cannon back into a hammer and smashed the energy with it. With another fast run, the rainbow girl repeatedly punched the hammer girl in the face. Suddenly, the hammer managed to slam the rainbow girl to a wall. But the rainbow girl didn't seem to give up as she watched the hammer girl walk up to her. The rainbow girl smirked, and in a flash, she disappeared. The crowd was shocked with wide eyes and gaping mouths. So was the hammer girl. As she turned around, she saw the rainbow girl running up to her. Then, the rainbow girl gave the hammer girl one last punch that sent her flying into the air. The crowd watched as the hammer girl hit the ground and sit up afterwards. 

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