Attacked in the Library

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"Jonas! Jonas!" Ren called through the endless sea of bookshelves he was in.

He got no response, so he decided to continue walking. As he walked, Ren looked at each of the filled-up bookshelves. A majority of the books he saw were completely unfamiliar to him, but there were some that he was familiar with. Ren stopped when he spotted one book in one of the full bookshelves. Curious, he pulled it out and looked at the cover. The book was all about poetry. He opened the book, but when he read the poems in it, he was starting to get fascinated. His time with the poetry was suddenly interrupted when...

"When was the last time you were into poetry?"

Ren jumped back, only seeing Frisk holding a cookbook. "Kid, you scared me! Also, what's with the cookbook?"

"It's for Papyrus."Frisk explained. "He said he was planning to make pancakes for everyone last night, so I decided to get him a cookbook so he doesn't mess up and end up into another argument with Weiss again."


"Look, I heard Papyrus argue with Weiss many times! It's about time they stop for once!"

"I get it. I get it. But just one question." Ren raised an eyebrow. "Weren't you with Alex a moment ago?"

"She already found Jonas. He was sleeping here the whole night and was reading Strange Island's Most Wanted."

"Strange Island's Most-"

"Jonas was planning to show you guys that book." Frisk said. "He already showed Alex."


"Come on. Let's just find the others and get back to them, then we'll get out of here just so I can give Papyrus this cookbook."

"Yeah. Yeah." Ren said, putting the poetry book back into it's shelf.

Meanwhile, Nona was walking through a section of bookshelves. As she walked, she stared at each unfamiliar book in each shelf. Some were just literature, some were educational, some were comic books. She suddenly stopped when she found something shining in one of the books. She pulled the book out of the shelf and opened it. Between the pages of the book was a key, and it looked like the ones for little music boxes. Nona picked up the little winding key and squinted at it.

"Who would leave a winding key in here?" Nona said with her eyes on the key.

With a shrug, Nona decided to put the key in her jacket pocket for now.

"Nona..." A voice said, catching her attention.



With a raised eyebrow, Nona followed the voice all the way to a dark area of the library. She pulled out her phone and turned on it's flashlight, lighting her way through another hallway of books. Nona entered the hallway. As she kept walking and walking through the hallway, she found a gold music box on the wooden floor. 

She just stare at the music box, then slowly walked up to it. Nona picked up the music box, finding that it's winding key was missing. That was when she realized that the key she found in the book was the music box's missing part. She reached for her pocket and pulled out the key she found, placing it in the box's keyhole. Afterwards, Nona twisted the key and it played a song. Nona smiled during the song and opened the box, revealing six colored hearts spinning around a red one. 

On the bottom of the lid of the box was a mirror. As Nona stared at her reflection, a flower-like shadow appeared behind her. Nona's eyes widen. She turned around, only to find a yellow flower with a face full of evil. She activated one of her gauntlets and shot a ball of energy at the flower. She ran off with the music box, and the flower started chasing her with little white pellets.

With Frisk and Ren, they were both looking for either Nona or Clarissa. That was when they heard a beeping sound. Frisk looked down at her jacket and took it off. She looked at the back of her jacket, and the Delta Rune design was blinking rapidly.

"Frisk? Hey! What's wrong?" Ren wanted to know.

"A distress signal." Frisk slipped her jacket back on and ran off. "It's somewhere over here."

"Frisk, wait!" Ren called, but she just kept running.

"You find Clarissa, I'll find Nona!"


As Frisk ran, she summoned her red sword. She kept running and running until she heard a cry for help. Frisk ran to find the location of the cry, and she did. She found Nona with her wrists tied with vines from the flower.

"Get away from her!" Frisk shouted, throwing a blue shuriken across the vines and at the flower.

As the vines fell from her wrists, Nona fell to her knees. Frisk ran up to her.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. You're not going to believe what I just found." Nona held up the music box.

"Hey! My old music box!" Frisk exclaimed.

"Your old music box?" Nona raised an eyebrow when she heard that.

"I'll explain later." Frisk said taking the music box from Nona.

With Alex and Jonas, they were just reading the book. Alex was extremely intrigued with the book all thanks to Jonas. Some people in the book, Alex was very familiar with them. Cinder Fall was in the book. So was Roman Torchwick, Jasper, White Pumpkin, and many more. As they kept reading they suddenly find Frisk and Nona run out of the sea of bookshelves.

"Guys? Are you okay?" Alex asked.

"Where's Ren and Clarissa?" Jonas asked as he closed the book.

Everyone heard footsteps as they turned to find Ren and Clarissa run up to the table. Their eyes widen when they saw Clarissa. She had her hand on her neck as if someone attempted to choke her to death, and her hair was a mess. Mascara ran down her face.

"Clarissa, are you alright?" Alex said with concern.

"Some evil demon flower tried to kill me!" Clarissa shouted.

The group turned to find the flower pop out of the ground with white pellets floating around him.

"Peek-a-boo!" The flower shouted, throwing his pellets at them.

Fortunately, Frisk summoned her shield and defended the others from the flying pellets. She threw three fireballs at the flower. They did hit him, but he waved the smoke away as he saw the group run off. With a growl, he went back to the ground. As soon as the group left the library, they quickly closed the door and Alex and Jonas leaned on it to catch their breath. After regaining their energy, they looked at each other and giggled.

"I knew we'd make it out alive." Ren said.

They were suddenly flung to a wall when a large vine came out of nowhere and slammed them. As they looked up, they found the flower glaring at them with a menacing smile. The group was about to escape, but they suddenly got tangled by the flower's vines.

"You idiots!" The flower shouted. "You can't escape from me. I am everywhere, and I know where you will go."

The group was suddenly surrounded with the flower's pellets.

"I'm afraid I have to get rid of you all for good! After all, in this world-"

The flower suddenly got hit by a silver shuriken. The group watched as the shuriken flew back to Zane, who was with a female android with silver hair and green eyes in a lab coat, who was holding a pair of elbow blades. Frisk smiled, watching the android run up to the group and free them from the vines. The flower got up from the ground and readied to throw more pellets at Zane, but he didn't. Zane's shurikens started glowing and shot ice at the flower. After he was done, the flower was completely frozen.

"Hey. Thanks for saving us." Frisk said as she and the others got up. "How did you..."

"We heard your distress call." Zane said.

"But I didn't..."

Everyone turned to Ren, whose cape's Delta Rune design was glowing. As the glow faded away, Ren smiled nervously.

"Why is everyone here sending distress signals behind our backs?!" Alex shouted. "I mean, really. Why? Why? Why? Why?"

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