Chapter 35

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Two weeks later

Finally, I'm home. Carrying five bags of grocery all by myself is too much work. I pull out the keys from my pocket and insert it into the door lock.

Why won't the key go inside the lock?

Maybe if I try again in different ways, it could work. I've been told that pulling the handle and opening the lock is helpful, and if that doesn't work, then pressing the key hard into the lock will help.

Or maybe not.

God, this never happened! Not with this key that is. I think I should try again...

Nope. Not working.

I guess the only way in is to call Austin.

Austin: Hey Princess.
Jasmine: No time for 'princess'. Just get here as soon as possible.
Austin: Problem?
Jasmine: No, I'm just calling you from outside our apartment room because I plan on camping out here.
Austin: Jeez, sorry. What's the deal though?
Jasmine: The keys wouldn't go in the door lock. This never happens, and I don't know what to do.
Austin: Did you try multiple times?
Jasmine: Yes, no luck.
Austin: Did you call anyone else?
Jasmine: No, you're the first.
Austin: Great. Be ready in ten.
Jasmine: Why ten? It's only four fifty- *sighs* never mind.
Austin: Told you so.
Jasmine: Where are we going?
Austin: First I help open your door, then we make sure everything works fine so we try the same thing about a few times. Then, you and I go surfing.
Jasmine: I have to study online.
Austin: Who gives a shit about school?
Jasmine: I do!
Austin: And that doesn't matter. You're coming with me, final decision.
Jasmine: Austin I-
Austin: I don't care. We're going surfing.
Jasmine: Okay, fine. Can I at least change?
Austin: It should only take between five to ten minutes.
Jasmine: I don't take hours.
Austin: Hell yeah you do.
Jasmine: Did you leave your gang area or no?
Austin: I'm pulling into the parking lot.
Jasmine: Well aren't you a sweetheart?
Austin: I have to be for my girl.
Jasmine: *chuckles* I love you for that.
Austin: Right back at you.
Jasmine: Thanks.
Austin: Alright, I'm coming up, so I'll hang up now, okay?
Jasmine: Yeah.

In a few minutes, I see Austin walking out of the elevator and towards me. He then engulfs me into me a tight bear hug.

"I missed you." He says.

"Can I breathe?" I mumble. Austin then pulls off the hug, but still holding me.

"Now, let go of me," I demand.

"Error 401. Invalid demand." He smirks as he pulls me closer.

"Looks like I called you for nothing," I say. "Who's going to open my door so that I can get changed?"

"Right." Austin lets me go and obnoxiously opens the lock with the key. It takes a few minutes, but he opens the lock in a matter of tries.

"All you need to do was press it hard and twist it around. Then, grab the handle, pull it while unlocking your door." Austin smiles.

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