Chapter 1

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I entered the house as quick as I can. I took off my disguise after making sure that no one else is following me. It is tough being so popular in school that I even have to wear a disguise when I am outside. I ran up the staircase as fast as I can and knocked on the door of my father's study, he should be inside at this time.

"Come in..." I heard his deep and husky voice and immediately opened the door revealing a grey-haired man in his fifties wearing a suit and tie.

"Appa..." I skipped happily to his desk and he looked at me suspiciously as if he knew my intentions.

"Why? You are going to transfer schools again?"

I looked at him surprised. "How do you know about that, Appa?"

"It's been the 10th time since you transferred schools, how would I not know? To which school, this time?" He said looking at the screen where a whole list of high schools were.

"Chun-kook, I'm transferring to ChunKook high school. It is in Daegu by the way." I said and he looked at me shockingly.

"D-daegu, you say? Why so far?" He asked. "Can't it be in like Seoul or Incheon? Or better Ilsan or Gwacheon, Why Daegu?"

"Do you think that I would survive in any high school in Seoul by now? Everyone knows my face, I even have to put on any disguise wherever I go. Why am I so popular?" I said crossing my arms hating the fact that I was popular.

People envied to be popular but it also has advantages and disadvantages too. The advantages of being popular is that you don't have to buy your own food. You practically have your own food provided by your so-called fans.

But here's the problem, you will get followed everywhere you go, even the toilet. I'm not kidding, really. The girls will all be outside the toilet cubicle while the boys would be outside waiting.

I wonder why they like everything that I have touched or used, it is just disgusting in my opinion. No offense to people who really liked people following them even to the toilets.

"Appa, please... It would be only for this year and I will move back here as soon as I graduate." I pleaded. "Just rent an apartment for me there, I will pay for my rent."

"Just use my money to pay for it every month." He suggested but I rejected him immediately.

"I can't, that's the reason why everyone knows me. Everyone knows that you are my father so please just let me do everything on my own just for this year? It would benefit me and you as well."

He looked at me and deeply sighed. "Fine, when do you want to transfer?"

"Next Week." I said with a smile. "Thanks... Appa."

A week later

I packed my belongings into a medium sized luggage and carried a backpack to put all my stuff in there such as my phone, earpieces and of course the most important thing of all my wallet.

"Hye-Ran ah, did you remember to bring your camera along?" Appa's voice echoed through the house.

"Yes, of course. You want to see Daegu's scenery right?"

"Who doesn't want?" He said coming through the room with a bankbook in his hand. Is it one of his random bankbooks again?

"If you are thinking of giving to me, don't ever try it. I told you multiple times that I am going to earn my own money."

"But Hye--"

I hugged him tightly. "Just do your best at keeping yourself healthy, I will be more than happy. Remember to eat your medication when I am not around." I told him.

"Appa, don't worry about me. I will be alright. Who am I? I am Song SungHo's daughter for goodness sake, I will survive in the outside world no matter what." I released the hug and looked at him. He still looks pretty sad.

"Just don't come home crying one week later." He said carrying my luggage. "My money spent on your expenses would be wasted." He complained and I chuckled.

I thought that he wouldn't worry about money but he still did. No wonder he's my father, my loving and stingy father that would always support my decisions even if he's not happy with it.

"Remember to call me when you reach. Remember, as soon as you get off the train." He said at the train station.

"Ok, I got it already. You're so naggy, it has already been the 5th time you have been saying this ever since we left the house."

"Even so, I don't want my only daughter to get into trouble. Don't date any Daegu boys when you are there, I tell you."

"You're a Daegu man yourself and you are saying that? You're dissing yourself."

He paused for a moment and then continued. "Of course I am but I am the normal type of a Daegu man." He said trying to convince me. Yea, yea... Whatever you say...

"Daegu guys are very aggressive, try not to get bullied when you are there. I will rush there as soon as possible if anything happens."

"I won't and I never will."

"The Train approaching Seoul station is coming in 1 minute, passengers who are boarding the train..." The speaker sounded through the whole train station.

I hugged my father again for the second time today. "Appa..."

"Why? You going back on your words?"

"No... It would be a few months before I come back for the holidays. You will be lonely without me."

"It's okay, I will be fine." He patted me on my head. He pushed me away slightly and I got on the train that has just arrived a moment ago.

"Bye Appa..." I said waving at him. My eyes filled with tears as he waved back at me.

I waited till the doors closed and I made my way to my seat where someone bumped into me, making me fall on my butt. Damn, it hurts so much. I was expecting the person to ask me if I am alright but there was nothing. There was no 'Sorry' or 'Excuse me', it was just the sound of the person's footsteps walking from me.

"Hey! Can't you say sorry for a moment?" I said to the person but he kept walking and walking as if he couldn't hear me at all.

I got up, dusting my butt and got to see the backview of the person who just bumped into me a few moments ago. It was a guy, not that tall but he was tall enough for me.

My head was at his chest level, that's why I fell. He was wearing a beanie and jacket paired with normal jeans. He has his hands buried in his pockets, he must be feeling cold. Of course, it is in the middle of winter, what else?

"Miss, please take your seat now." The train staff's voice brought me back to reality.

"Ne, sorry." I said to the staff and looked at the same place. He is gone. Well, he must have walked away. I shrugged my shoulders and sat down on my seats, taking out my earpieces at the same time. It is going to be a long ride.

He's Not My Type // kim taehyung (#16)Where stories live. Discover now