Chapter 35

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I got dragged out forcefully by my brother and my friends as soon as the wedding ceremony is over, the ladies are going to do their own tradition of the bride throwing away the bouquet and seeing who would get it in the end. It is a stupid tradition but it has been done by many people and they liked it so much that it is at every wedding ever since it became popular.

YeongAe ssi is standing as far as possible facing the audience with the grand prize in her hands, ready to throw any second. The ladies that are after the bouquet are standing in line to get the bouquet, even Noona is after the bouquet and there is Song HyeRan standing way behind watching the contest with delight.

At the count of three, she threw the bouquet and every contestant rushed to get the bouquet, all of their hands were reaching to get the bouquet but they failed to do so, it was way too high for them to reach it. It went all the way behind and I had the instinct to get the camera and took a snap of it. Once I took my eyes off the camera, I heard a shriek from Yoo YeongAe.

"Ah! It's you, Song Hyeran!" She announced and everyone sighed as they couldn't get the lucky bouquet and they will have to wait for their own wedding. They will still have to fork out their own money in the end so why even bother to get the bouquet.

"Wait! I'm not part of it!" She quickly gave it back to YeongAe ssi. "I just happened to catch it, you can throw it again right?"

"Nope! What it is meant to be yours will be yours, I can't change it. Even if I throw once more, it will make its way towards you." She said.

"But I'm single!" I shouted. "I can't get married without a man." She's single? Didn't she have a boyfriend? My mouth opened in shock upon the sudden news of me finding out that my crush, the girl who sat down next to me in high school is actually single from the beginning. She lied to me.

"Who says that you don't? TaeHyung is one of the candidates." Noona added making her even more embarrassed but I was still in the la la land, my body and mind can't adjust really well to the sudden news.


She looked at my adoptive mother who had that look on her face, that approving look. "I approve of that relationship."

"Omma!" And then she faced me and I was still with that shocked expression, she knows that I am here and I just overheard whatever that was happening a short 3 minutes ago. What should I do now? If I speak, they will all look at me.

I will just do what I always do when I want to get out of trouble, running away. "I'm out of here," I told TaeHo which is for everyone else to know before running off. I ran all the way to one corner and I only stopped when no one else is around, I then placed a hand on my chest trying to check if I'm still alive. Apparently, I am, if not I wouldn't be here. My frown becomes a smile and then a grin remembering what I just heard from Song HyeRan's mouth.

"I'm single!" She's single, she's single for real! I'm not kidding! She just announced to the world that she isn't taken and is sexy, free and single and ready to mingle.

I placed both my hands together and thanked the gods that the girl that I liked isn't attached to anyone else and the fact that I can tell her that I like her anytime I want. Yes and I don't have the guts to actually tell her that.

I waited till it is dark that I decide that I should make an appearance or everyone is going to think that I've gone missing for the past few hours. Everyone else is chatting with each other as it is a wedding party and I spotted Song Hye-Ran in an instant, she is just eating and JungKook is walking towards her with a smile.

My smile faded and I began walking towards them to stop JungKook, he can't get near HyeRan no matter what. She's single and I don't want them to have feelings for each other. "Oh, hyung! You're back!" He hugged me. "I thought that you vanished."

"I didn't." I looked towards HyeRan but she is already gone. Wasn't she just eating a moment ago?

"Hye-Ran ssi went to the balcony if you are looking for her." NamJoon hyung came towards me. "Good luck..."

"Good luck for what?" I asked and he just hits me on the head, messing my hair in the process. I just looked at him with a slightly annoyed expression.

He rolled his eyes at me. "Do I really have to tell you that?"

"Even I know what to do in this kind of situation even though I'm younger than you," JungKook added making me even angrier.

"Fine. You guys are so useless in the romance department." I shook my head and went to find Song Hyeran. She is standing right here with another woman which I assumed that it is Noona but my steps quickened when I realized that it is someone else.

It was the person which I ended my relationship a long 5 years ago, Kim BoNa. Why is she here?

I have been ignoring her messages for the past few weeks for one simple reason, she wants me to get back with her and I don't want to. She must have known that HyeRan is here and came here.

I grabbed Hye-Ran's hand and stood in front of her. BoNa's eyes doubled in size upon seeing my appearance. "What are you doing here?? You know that you aren't invited here right?"

"I am. I have my own means to be here and I have to be here." She said looking down at the intertwined hands of me and HyeRan. "I have a word with you."

"There is nothing that we can talk about. Leave right now when I'm being nice." I slightly raised my voice.


"Kim BoNa, please... This is a happy occasion, please don't ruin the happy atmosphere." HyeRan said to her. "TaeHyung and I are already together, please leave."

She scoffed. "You and TaeHyung? It is a joke right??"

"You know that I never joke. Please leave or I'm calling security and TaeHo will know about an intruder coming into his wedding." I took out my phone and pretended to make a call.

"Fine, I'll leave but bear in mind, I will still come back to get you back, TaeHyung." She took one step back and turned to leave.

HyeRan heaved a sigh of relief once she is out of sight. "God, that was harsh of you to say that to her."

"I had to. It is impossible between the two of us." I told her. "She didn't say anything much to you right?"

She shook her head and looked down at our hands. "Are you still going to hold onto my hands?"

My earlobes turned red and I nodded. "Forever and ever."

He's Not My Type // kim taehyung (#16)Where stories live. Discover now