Chapter 36

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I called my sister to hang out an hour earlier while I was out shopping to buy some more clothes before I go back to Australia this weekend. I had told my mother about it and she seemed happy that I have come back to see her and the fact that I had a stable job and everything.

I ordered my usual café latte and waited for my sister to arrive, my sister is still teaching in ChunKook high school and school is going to be over in a few minutes. She stayed at ChunKook high school for 5 years after her 6-month long internship as she didn't want to move to another school and stayed behind as an official art Teacher in the school.

I was on my IPad as she arrived, taking off her shades and tidied her hair, announcing her arrival to me. "Did you wait for long?" She asked as she sits down in her seat.

"It's okay, I wasn't in a rush." I put down the IPad that I was holding on. "Have you eaten?"

She shook her head. "What about Japanese cuisine? I know of a new restaurant that just opened a few days ago." I suggested and we went without hesitation as hungry tummies wait for no one.

I handed her the menu and she looked at it. "Everything looks really nice..." She commented. "You really had good taste." Nope, I'm an amateur at everything and there's a reason why I brought you here.

We quickly ordered and I was making overseas calls to my company in the land down under telling them that I needed them to prepare reports for me, apparently, they didn't so I have to ask them personally.

I placed my phone down after contacting them and Unnie exclaimed with a hint of envy. "Woah... I really take my hat off to you, you took care of Appa's company even though you are here in Daegu and the fact that you are only 25 and I am like 3 years older than you and I'm only a high school Art Teacher."

"I am not the only one in charge, I'm just the one that is at the top. There are much more people that are more capable than me." I explained. "I would have to settle things once I go back this weekend," I mentioned the fact that I'm going back to Australia makes her facial expression sunken, she wasn't pleased that I'm leaving this weekend.

"Do you really have to leave?? It's only been a week since we became sisters again." She held onto my hand, refusing to let go.

I placed a hand on hers. "Unnie, why are you being so serious all of a sudden? It is not like I would never return ever again, I'm not that heartless."

"Are you sure?" She raised one eyebrow and I did the same. "That you will come back again?"

"I'm sure," I said firmly, I'm truthful. I want to be with my family whenever possible. They are my only family so I want to be close to them as often.

"Not getting TaeHyung as well?" I kept my hands back to myself and gave her an annoyed expression. It is not that I hated him or anything.

"Why that expression?" She took a sip of the drink she ordered that had just arrived at the table a few moments ago.

I am just so mad at the fact that he decided not to do anything after that wedding, he didn't even call me once. He would always leave the house early in the morning and come back just in time for dinner. He wouldn't even try to look at me during dinner, continuously stuffing food into his mouth and then leaving the house saying that he is taking a walk around the park nearby. Basically, nothing happened after that night after he decided to hold onto my hand and told me that he would never let go of my hand but why does he not do anything after that??

"Unnie is TaeHyung always that shy?" I asked and she let out a laugh.

"Is this your first day here?" She asked and I shook my head. "What do you think?"

"He is shy but he is not when in times that he is deadly serious," I commented. "But he is incredibly stupid."

"That's true. Especially in the romance department, I don't even know how he managed to even date Kim BoNa in the first place."

That name made me slammed the table and my sister was startled by my sudden actions. "Yah... Do you really hate Kim BoNa that much?"

"Do you know that she was there at the wedding that night?" I asked her and she sat up straight on all ears, totally interested in the conversation.


"She knew that I came back and took the chance to tell me that she is getting TaeHyung back."

"Then what did TaeHyung do?"

"He held my hand and told her that there is no chance that he is getting back with her again."

She prodded in further to get the answers that she wanted. "Then?"

"She left and nothing happened," I concluded and she hit me on the forehead.

"Ouch!" I massaged the area that she just hit.

"You really do like TaeHyung right?" Do I??

"Make him yours before she could even try to make him hers, you can definitely do it."

Can I? "Before it is too late, do it! " She said as her food arrived just in time. "Tell me about it later, I'll help you with it."


I arrived at ChunKook high school and met TaeHo at the teacher's office, he stood up and gave me a big hug as soon as he sees me. I am here today because the principal of this school wanted me to take pictures of the students for the posters to be used for the next school year. There were many students that we selected a few weeks ago and we narrowed down to 5 students to represent the school.

"Those students are my babies, abuse them and you would know what would I do to you." He whispered in my ear before laughing again. "Treat my students right, Kim TaeHyung ssi."

"Of course, Kim TaeHo ssi..." I faked a smile to him, he deserved a drinking session later on.

I was walking to the venue where they will do the photo shoot and I am fixing the camera and set, making sure that they are alright before we can start shooting.

HaeNa noona suddenly ran towards my direction, looking a little panicked. I wonder why did she lose her wallet again? "Taehyung-ah, I think that we can't shoot today."

I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What's the matter?"

"One of the students is sick and she couldn't make it today."

"Aishh..." I cursed. "Then did you have any backup plans?"

"Why don't we use HyeRan for it? She is pretty and most importantly she was a student of this school." TaeHo overheard our conversation and came over. HyeRan?

"Right. Why did I not think about that? HyeRan still looks like a high school student even though she is in her mid-20s. Should I give her a call?" She said and winked at me. Is that supposed to be something? Will HyeRan even agree to do this?

He's Not My Type // kim taehyung (#16)Where stories live. Discover now