Chapter 39

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One Year Later...

I rolled my eyes as I had my phone on speaker mode and I'm literally jumping from room to room searching for stuff due to a certain someone."Have you found that camera that I gave it to you?" TaeHyung's booming voice sounded through the house and I regretted putting that on full volume, the neighbours are going to shout to me for being too loud at 4 am in the morning, 2 hours before I am supposed to go to the airport.

Mr Kim TaeHyung called me 6 minutes and 24 seconds ago telling me that I must bring him his camera along with me when I arrive later in the afternoon at around 4 pm. He gave me his favorite camera before I left for Australia as I have to take care of my father's business since I'm the only family member left that could help him, Omma and HaeNa noona doesn't really know much about business and it would be inconvenient for them to come all the way to Australia to help me.

During the whole year, I tried to do whatever I can do to help with the other directors as well. I established the brand of Hye-Ran boutique to Australia and it was well-received on social media, a lot of people had opted to buy our furniture rather than the brands that they usually buy from, further increasing the brand loyalty of the brand.

A week ago, I had applied for annual leave to go back to South Korea where my boyfriend is at waiting for me to return and my family has been expecting me to return as I am their precious daughter and sister. "Yah, Song Hyeran! Are you asleep?" He called me once again as he heard no response from me.

"Yes, I heard you!" I yelled back, I don't care if I will get a complaint from my neighbours or not. All I know is that I have to find that camera no matter what or I will be at gunpoint the moment I touched down at the airport later.

It is his precious camera and he gifted it to me so there must be a purpose to why he wants me to bring it along but I don't know what the hell did I even put it at my messy apartment, I know that I had placed it somewhere in a box but I have forgotten the colour of the box. I reached the closet and I swear that I have not touched this closet for a very long time, the things inside would have smelled so bad and imagine the dust that is collected in there but I'm sure that the camera is there. That is the only place that I haven't searched yet.

I opened the closet and surprisingly it did smell good and there was a purple box at the bottom of the closet, I reached for it and there was the precious camera covered in cloth in fear that I might break it and he might faint knowing that I have broken his camera.

I ran back to the bedroom with the box where my phone is on my bed and I picked up the phone. "Did you find it?" He sounded very nervous afraid that I might give him bad news.

"Of course I did, it is in the purple box. Don't worry, it is in really good condition considering that I have left it there for an entire year." I told him, ecstatic that I had found his camera and my worries have vanished.

"Thank goodness... Better put that camera in your bag right now and go back to sleep. Your flight is at 6 am right?"

"Yes, you go back to sleep as well. You need to have enough sleep to work well." I told him and persuaded him to go back to sleep while I go to have a shower. I have literally no time to go back to sleep as I need to plan my best outfit to meet my love as well as show my adorable face which needed a lot of touchups as my skin condition hasn't been the best with late nights working on projects, as a result, I have got a few breakouts and eye bags that needed to be concealed.

I reached the airport a few minutes before I'm supposed to check in and board the plane, I completed the procedure and is now waiting for the announcement. I have got a message from my mother saying that she had already come back from her little trip to Jeju island with her husband, she had left my souvenir with TaeHyung whom I would meet later at his workplace once I landed. Other than that, there were only messages from work and news from South Korea.

At 4.24 pm, I have arrived in Daegu and I'm facing the familiar train station that I always go to, I contacted him as soon as I arrived and he told me to go shopping for a while as he is still busy with his work and couldn't get away. I was disappointed but I was happy that I finally arrived in a place that I once studied at, made the best friends, been to one of the best weddings, reunited with my long lost family and of course finding my true love. It is a city that I can't stop falling in love with especially with all the new things that pop out every time I come back to visit.

I went into the shopping mall and went into a random male clothing store hoping that I can find TaeHyung something to wear, he always has the same style of clothes and I'm getting a bit tired of him always greeting me via video call in his pyjama-like clothing. He claims that it is high fashion but I can't understand it, does wearing pyjamas make him even more stylish?

Although the face makes the clothes shine, I would prefer him to try other styles sometimes. I finally found one that I think that it would suit him and made my way to the counter to purchase the outfit. I came out of the store holding the bag of the store's logo with delight, happy that I bought for Mr Kim who looked handsome all the time.

I stopped walking when I saw her standing right in front of me, wearing the most beautiful dress that I have ever seen and she had a smile on her face. Kim BoNa, how did she even know that I was here?

He's Not My Type // kim taehyung (#16)Where stories live. Discover now