Chapter 31

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I looked through the menu of a famous restaurant looking at what I should buy and not buy. Especially the ones that say 'Chef's speciality' and 'Best recommended'. These dishes are the ones that cost the most and take up the most time.

"Don't worry about ordering, I will pay for it." YeongAe's voice reminded me, she is TaeHo's bride and his wife in one week. "Feel free to order what you liked to eat."

"Ne..." I said and I tried to glance over at her who is debating over which baked rice set she wanted to have. She told me how much she loved cheese and how she squeezes cheese sauce in almost everything she eats, she reminds me of TaeHyung somehow with the cheese obsession.

"YeongAe ssi, if you are going to buy the cheese baked rice set, I will take the mushroom baked rice set next to it since it is a set," I told her and she slightly jumped up. She is a little shy.

"Really? I could do that?" She asked again and I nodded. Finally, I could decide on something which is not that costly and it is more worth it as it is a set.

"Then I'll call the waiter over." I raised her hand up slightly for the waiter standing over at the counter.

We finished ordering and I was back at that awkward moment where none of us wanted to talk as we aren't close at all, plus it is the first time that I met YeongAe ssi. Yoo YeongAe, age 23 years old, studying in a university in Daegu after she couldn't get into the other universities in Seoul, works part-time at a cafe just opposite the university that she attends meets Kim TaeHo one day when he is visiting the cafe and witnessing her being scolded by the manager. He stood up for her and there Yoo YeongAe falls for him even though he is a teacher and she is a university student.

I didn't mean to ask her how she met TaeHo, she just spurts out whatever she has to say. I didn't even ask for it but I'm glad that she is someone like that, down-to-earth and sweet. "I heard from TaeHo Oppa that you were once classmates with him and TaeHyung Oppa in the last year of high school."

"Yes, I did," I replied sipping on my lemon tea that had just arrived at the table.

"Why didn't you stay on and graduate with them?"

"Emm..." I said looking at the window and back at her who is looking a bit teary. She also mentioned earlier that she is emotional and cries a lot. "It's nothing! Really!" I tried to convince her and gave her a tissue paper.

"Sorry for ruining the atmosphere!!" She said and blew her nose. "Sorry, I'm just too emotional."

"It's okay, bottling up your feelings might only make it worse," I told her, calming her down.

"I understand if you don't say the reason why you decided to leave Daegu 3 months before the national exams."

"I'll tell. You have to since you will be spending your life with TaeHo ssi." I said and paused. "I found out who my mother was that day. It is TaeHo's mother."

Her eyes doubled in size and she covered her mouth with her small and dainty hands. "What? You guys are--"

"We aren't anything that you are thinking about. My mother only married TaeHo's father after I was born so there is no blood relation at all."

"Oh... So that's the reason why you left?" She is scary... She changes from one personality to another so quickly.

"What's that reaction?"

"If there is nothing, then did you leave? It is just a misunderstanding on short." Right. Why the hell did I even leave and wasted 5 years in Australia?

I was about to ask her why again when the food arrived at our table, I became completely silent while eating and didn't ask any questions. We left the restaurant in silence and TaeHyung just texted me telling me that I am invited to dinner with his whole family which is also my first time having dinner with my biological mother since 5 years ago.

"Are you going to have dinner with us? Eomeoni would cook a spread for all of us and with you, it would be better."

I faked a smile. "It's okay. I will just stay out of it since I have something to do later. I will see you at the wedding boutique tomorrow morning."

"You really won't come for dinner?" She asked pouting and I nodded.

"It's okay. I'm just not ready yet." I told her my true feelings.

"HyeRan ssi..." She placed a shoulder on mine. "It's alright, we will wait for you to be ready. I will cook on the day when you are ready."

"Can you even cook?" I asked her.

She raised her voice at me. "Why are you asking a chef that??"

"You are a baker for goodness sake, you don't cook, you bake," I said and she burst into laughter.

"You're right. I'm a baker but I still work in the kitchen." She is going to be a great friend, I just know it.

We separated ways at the bus station where she would go back home and I would go somewhere else. The train station. The first place that I went to when I first arrived in Daegu.

I didn't buy a ticket. Instead, I just sat down in one of the benches and watched the trains arrived at the station, passengers getting in and out of the train. People hugging each other for farewells and crying as they would never see each other again.

Before ever knowing the truth about my parentage, I have imagined myself at the train station after the day I graduate, standing there at the platform with the Kim siblings, TaeHo being the talkative one telling me to never forget us, HaeNa unnie telling me to come back again when I have the time, and of course TaeHyung with his 'cool' face not saying anything and claims that he was only here because of his siblings dragging him along.

Of course, it didn't turn out like the way that I wanted. I went back home with my father a month before national exams without telling anyone about it, the Kim twins running after me to say final farewells and me not being able to return back. Because of my father, my father was ill and I didn't want him to suffer even more. I didn't want to stay with those pretentious people who lied to me from the very beginning.

"I didn't know that trains can make people cry so much." I heard a familiar voice and I looked up, Kim TaeHyung was there with his camera hanging over his neck.

I jumped up slightly. "How did you even know that I was here?"

"I just know. Because people were telling me that they saw an ugly woman crying her eyes out and they are going to die from that."

"I wasn't crying for goodness sake," I said wiping my cheeks with the coat sleeve. My sleeves were wet. I was crying.

He sat down beside me. "Why am I always there when you are crying?"

"I told you that I wasn't crying."

"Fine. You were sweating from your eyes." He rephrased his words. "Is that okay?"

"Much better." I smiled and looked at him. "I thought that you were supposed to be eating dinner with your family?"

"I was supposed to but I decided not to."


"Because of you." He looked straight into my eyes and I gulp down my saliva. Why is this guy so wild all of a sudden??

He's Not My Type // kim taehyung (#16)Where stories live. Discover now