Chapter 29

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I was back in my apartment after all the mourning and crying and I was packing my stuff into a suitcase, getting clothes that I haven't worn and deciding what shoes to bring there. I'm going on a trip again. To Daegu.

After the funeral, my biological mother asked me one important question. I was overwhelmed by her question.

"Would you like to live with me?" She said with a sad smile. "You can buy a new apartment near the farm." Before my father passed away, he promised one thing to her that he wants her to take care of me. She wants me to be near to her now that we have met officially and I am living on my own. I hesitated a little, not knowing what to say. "It's okay if you don't want to. You can go visit whenever you want and there will always be a room for you." She quickly changed her words.

That's why I'm packing for a week trip to Daegu to attend TaeHo's wedding. He is getting married this week with his beautiful fiancee that I have seen many times before, he always posts pictures of them together on social media and I can see that he treasures her a lot.

Of course, I wouldn't go on my own without a bit of persuading. He called me a few days ago to tell me about it and he sounded so happy about it. I want to meet them as soon as possible so I agreed. Not because I wanted to see TaeHyung, I just wanted to go back to Daegu when I was still schooling there. I had many memorable moments there and I wanted to go back there again.

I got out of Incheon Airport after travelling for a good 13 hours and it is already evening when I reached. I yawned while walking out of the arrival hall where 3 people were waiting sitting in a straight line, according to age and height.

"Song Hye-Ran!" TaeHo called out my name as I walked towards them and I hugged TaeHo first out of the three.

"You've gotten prettier during these 5 years, did you get plastic surgery?" I released the hug and stomped on his toes. He groaned in pain and squatted down to massage his toes that got squashed by my high heels.

"Plastic surgery? I'm natural thanks to my awesome genes." I said. "Can't you say anything more pleasing to my ears?" I turned towards HaeNa unnie who had a soft expression on her face, she's glad to see me, she is happy to see her younger sister after such a long time.

"Have you been living well?" She asked and I just nodded, pulling her into a hug as well. She deserves a hug as she is my biological older sister and I know that she has been longing to see me for as long as forever. 

After all, I was the one that left all of a sudden without any warning, they were never at fault. "It's nice to see you again, Unnie..." I said while tightening my arms around her waist. I could hear her soft sobs as she felt her fingers tightening the grip on my shirt, she missed me alot.

We stayed like this for a least 5 minutes before I hear an awkward clearing of the throat. "When can we leave? It is going to be night soon if we don't leave this place."

I withdrew from my older sister and looked at the person that just made the comment. Kim TaeHyung.

"Who says that I'm having dinner with you?" I said before linking my hands with TaeHo and HaeNa unnie. "I'm going with them, not you. Help me take my luggage back home." I told him and they burst into laughter.

"What food is good in Incheon?" TaeHo asked and I shrugged my shoulders. It would be too late if we return back to Daegu via train or car so we are planning to stay in Incheon for the night and return back to Daegu in the morning.

"Definitely not cheese tteokbokki, you can buy it from anywhere," I said directing it to TaeHyung. "Sorry but we are not having cheese tteokbokki tonight," I told him.

He placed my luggage at the boot of the car and grabbed my hair. "I don't like cheese tteokbokki that much anymore!"

"Was I even talking about you?" I began teasing him again. "I was talking about a certain person that acts cool at times and takes photos of weird-- Should I explain further?"

"Stop it, Song Hyeran!" I said and he came very close to me, my noses were already touching. "Or I will--"

He will kiss me. "You will never get to do that!" I said as I sat down next to HaeNa unnie who is sitting at the back. "I have a boyfriend." Yes, an imaginary one. He doesn't even exist.

"Who is that certain person?" He asked as he sat down next to TaeHo who is driving us to the hotel that we will be staying tonight. "Is he more handsome than me?"

"Of course, he is a photographer as well." I made up some lies to convince him. He should be dating as well, I wonder if BoNa is still with him.

"Fron which agency? Do I know him?" He asked and had his head turned towards the back facing us. He seems very interested.

"Can you please behave like an adult for once and stop asking my sister these kinds of questions? It is not like your love life is that interesting as well." HaeNa unnie scolded him.

"I was just curious." He pouted. "I'm curious that how a person like you can have a boyfriend when you are so messy and dirty."

"Hey! I'm not that messy!" I protested and as always, the two other people would always laugh at us going back and forth.

"Oh, did I even say that it was you? I'm talking about someone else."

My hands reached for him who is right in front of me and gave him a huge pinch in the arm which made him scream as if a singer is singing high notes. "That hurts like hell!"

"You totally deserved it!" I said and turned to my sister who had the mysterious smirk on her face. "Unnie?"

"You will be sharing a room with him tonight since the two of you loved being with each other so much." I suddenly had the urge to go back.

He's Not My Type // kim taehyung (#16)Where stories live. Discover now