Chapter 41

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6 years later...


"I told you that you shouldn't eat too many sweets right?" I pouted sadly, my wife of 7 years is nagging about me again even though she is not here with me. "Why don't you ever listen? It is not good for your health."

"But sugar is good, we should be able to have sugar once a day right?" I pleaded. "If not I will faint, you don't want to see me faint right?"

"No means no, Mr Kim TaeHyung." She commanded me. "Don't you dare feed our children with that sugar as well, Yoongi Oppa will be right at our house to smack you right in the forehead."

There she goes again, with the puns. Ever since she gave birth to our first child, she has been spouting dad jokes here and there when she gets the chance to. Needless to say, she got influenced by her brother-in-law, the one and only Kim Seokjin.

"That's my Hye-Ran!" Seokjin hyung runs out of the kitchen upon hearing a daddy joke being mentioned, he is almost 35 years old this year and he is practically a real-life daddy like I am.

He married my foster sister a year after Hye-Ran and I got married, he apparently had the hots for my older sister for a very long time but he hesitated on confessing to her because she was so beautiful and he thought that he wouldn't stand a chance on confessing.

He just didn't know that my older sister felt the same way as him until I told him at his 30th birthday party that my older sister liked him and they both dated and got married in the same year, they had two children 2 years apart, 3 years old and 1 year old respectively, 1 boy and 1 girl. We would always compete with our own children, we have the same amount of children and I am winning this round with my third child arriving very soon. That is also their very motive to visit us here in Australia, HyeRan is giving birth very soon and they are here to witness the birth and to also take care of our needs at the same time.

"Seokjin Oppa, can you advise Mr Taetae that he shouldn't be filling himself up with too much sugar until he had to give up a limb? I have been telling him and he just doesn't listen."

"Don't worry! I will be preparing meals for all of you this entire week and I will make sure that he doesn't consume too much sugar unless he is willing to sacrifice his height for a wheelchair." I glared at him and he just smiles, before going back to the kitchen feeling really satisfied with himself.

I thought that having a fellow friend as a brother-in-law would be advantageous to me but it is not that case in this household, they will betray you for your wife. They will definitely gang up against me for the entire week, and my older sister will do that as well. None of them will be on my side except for my own children, blood is indeed thicker than water.

"You got all of that in your head already?" I nodded. "Good. Listen to me and your body will be in good health."

My mind started thinking of weird stuff again and I gave a mischievous smile. "So that I can continue to make more children?"

"Gosh! I told you that I am not giving birth anymore after this one, 3 children is too much for me to handle. It is not like you would help me take care of them either."

"I do. I do take care of HaNeul and Harang very well." I confessed, I really do take care of my children very well.

"But they would always complain that their father is more childish than they are. Is a father supposed to be that childish? I swear that I didn't marry the childish twin, I thought that it would be TaeHo but it turned out to be you."

And I thought a married life is supposed to be very loving and peaceful, there is no arguing and nagging from the significant other but yet our relationship started to turn from a lovey-dovey one to a mother-in-law and a son-in-law relationship.

"HyeRan, no matter what you will still love me right?" I confessed and I could hear yells and screams from both ends of the call, Seokjin hyung yelling from the kitchen while making lunch and HaeNa noona cringing next to HyeRan on the phone call.

HyeRan stared at me for a few seconds before she decides to end the call that lasted almost 10 minutes, she only video called me to check up on me but it ended with her criticizing me from head to toe as always.

I put my phone down and I let out a loud sigh in response, getting scolded by my own wife like that is not what I had signed up for when I proposed to her. Marriage really changes a woman a total 180 degrees, even if she is docile before, she will turn into a monster after marriage and that is what happened to Song Hye-Ran.

I heard footsteps coming out from the stairs and I looked up, still looking very dejected. "Appa, I guess that Omma scolded you once again?"

He is my first child, Kim Harang, the older brother of Kim HaNeul who is 3 years younger than him. He sat down next to me. "Do you understand why your mom is this cruel to me? Am I really that childish?"

He nodded. "Very childish, I hope that you would tone down a little. Omma will be happier this way."

"She would?" I only know that she would have endless things to complain about me, she never stops talking bad about me. "Your mother is a witch and I have bullied by her."

"Omma loves you a lot, that's why she says all those things about you to make you improve. She wants you to be the best for me and HaNeul and our little sibling."

When did he ever learn all of those inspirational quotes? Right, from his sentimental uncle Kim Namjoon who is going to run for president sooner or later.

The phone starts to ring and it is from my older sister, I have a bad feeling about this. I placed the phone close to my ear. "Yeoboseyo?"

"TaeHyung, rush down to the Melbourne hospital as fast as you can! Hye-Ran's water has broke, she is in labour right now!"

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