Chapter 14

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Living together was a great experience and I enjoyed being with myself in one apartment and being able to do whatever I want in this tiny apartment. Especially the fact that no one came up to me asking me if I'm Song Hyeran except for one weird one, nothing much happened in the past few months that I have moved to Daegu.

The Kim Twins were great people to be with except for Kim TaeHyung. He is still very annoying, especially he ignores you in class and during dinner time with the Kim Family. Kim TaeHo, on the other hand, was very sweet and would always allow me to borrow his stuff no matter what. There was one that I borrowed his shoes because I wore the wrong shoes and it hurt a lot.

We were out to search for vintage cafés and he just took off his shoes when he saw me looking down at my shoes again and again. We walked back to the apartment with him being barefooted and me wearing his shoes. I feel so bad doing that to him but since he said that it is good to help people at all times, I decided to let it go and I told him that I would repay him back as soon as possible.

Kim Saem was also a great person that would invite me to dinner every time she cooked too much for 3 people. Her food is also delicious, I wonder if she inherited her cooking skills from her mother?

I also seen their mother always going to their house on Mondays and always bringing food to them but the fact that Kim TaeHyung would insult her is one thing, I don't get that part. I don't get why Kim TaeHyung would always treat his mother like this and the other two seemed as if they are already used to it. Has it been happening for a very long time?

I always envied other people getting cared for their mothers, their mothers buying things for them, their mothers cooking dinner for them. I always wanted someone like them in my life but sadly I don't. My mother passed away as soon as I was born and I was raised up single-handedly by my father. Whenever I asked my father about it, he would tell me that she died of cancer and it is bad luck to bring her up so I don't really know a lot about my mother.

But having only a father is good as well. He buys you stuff all the time and dares not to scold you because he loves you too much, he would only sigh and then things will be good again. I looked at the clock, it is at 3 pm. Lunch break was over an hour ago, I wonder if he had taken his medication.

I know that I have asked him about that a lot of times but I actually I know that I have asked him about that a lot of times but I actually doubted if he had taken his medication. Sometimes he lies to me about it as he wanted to rush his work. His body isn't that well and I don't want him to overwork his body. I dialled his number and waited for him to pick up. His phone is always next to him so he would pick up immediately. I told him to do so as I'm always afraid that something might happen when I'm not around.


"Appa... Have you taken your medication?" I'm so tired of asking this question but I have to do. I still got around 3 months left to do so. Right after this summer vacation, final exams will start straight after. Other than just being at home and slacking, I still have to make some time to study. Maybe Kim TaeHo or Kim Saem can help me with my studies.

"Of course, I have. Song Hyeran, don't you get tired of always asking the same question? Can't you change a way of asking? I'm sure that there are other ways of asking your day instead of always asking that I have taken my medication."

"I have to, your health is not at its very best. Didn't you hear what the doctor said? He said that even if you missed a week of medication, your blood pressure will definitely raise."

"It wouldn't as I take my medication every single day, you do know how my secretary places my medication in front of my desk after I have eaten."

"I do."

"So, don't worry." He said and I heard the slight sound of the train moving along these train tracks. They sound like those KTX trains. He said that he would come here, don't tell me...

"Appa, where are you right now??"

"In my office, why??" He sounded a lot shocked. He is definitely not at the company.

"The KTX is arriving in Daegu in a few minutes, passengers getting down at Daegu---" The intercom system sounded through the speaker.

"Appa!" I raised my voice to him. "Why are you coming here?"

"Just clean up the apartment before I'm here, I'm hanging up."

I threw my phone on the bed. Why is he here? Why did he want to be here? I looked at the mountain of trash piled up in my trash bin and there is also a mountain of unwashed clothes in the clothes basket. Anyways, there is always mountains of stuff in my house.

Oh no... The KTX train station is quite near to the apartment building that I am staying in and the Kim twins' family frequently visits me. Their mother often gives me extra food after giving it to her family. I don't want my father to misunderstand and he would definitely send me back to Seoul if he knows that I'm good friends with Daegu guys.

I have to hurry or he is going to scold me first thing when he arrives and would nag at every single thing that upsets him. I began tidying up as much as I can and made it look cleaner than it ever is. I even used the vacuum cleaner to speed up the process of cleaning up all the mess that I had made on the floor.

I then heard the knock, he is here. I tidied my hair and opened the door. It was Kim TaeHyung, not Kim TaeHo like I expected. He has never come to my apartment after that day which I allowed him to stay for the night because he was dead drunk. "Why are you here?"

"My pen, you took my pen away on Friday after class."

"Did I? Which colour?" I kind of have the habit to take everything away that is on my table. I guess that his pen was on my table and I took it by mistake.

"Black. It is a ballpoint pen."

"Wait here, I'll get it for you," I said going back into the house. I can't let him go into my house, my father might come over any moment and might misunderstanding. He is the best at misunderstanding things, especially in human relationships.

"I'll come in as well."

I pushed him away. "No, you can't."

"I know how it looks like, you don't." He said still trying to push his way in.

"Please, I'm expecting someone and I don't want him to misunderstand."

"He's not coming so quickly right? It is just a pen, I can find it on my own." He pushed me to one side this time and walked to my bedside table where my schoolbag is on top of it.

I then spotted someone walking into the house with his luggage. "Hye-Ran, why is your door open so wide-- who is this guy?"

Oh no... It is my father, Mr Song Sungho.

He's Not My Type // kim taehyung (#16)Where stories live. Discover now