Chapter 33

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I put on the blazer and tied the white ribbon around the neck of the dress shirt, I looked in the mirror and gave a small smile to it as I admired my looks in the mirror. I rarely do it but I have the opportunity to do it, I will admire my looks as much as possible. "The mirror will break soon." Another handsome man appeared behind the mirror and I turned around, he was looking all nervous.

"I think that you will have a meltdown soon if you continue to be like this. You are just getting married, it is no big deal."

"Then try getting married one day, you will know by then." He patted me on the shoulder. "It is that nerve-wracking and I bet YeongAe feels the same as I do." I nodded as we left the room and went out of the house. The house is empty thanks to the women who decided to stay in a hotel the night before the wedding to get things ready for the wedding, they should be ready by now.

I wonder how would Hye-Ran look in the dress that HaeNa noona chose for her the day that we went to the wedding salon. We took many photos together, with the couple and it is the wedding. I made it to the venue that TaeHo had chosen for his big day with YeongAe ssi and the other guys have arrived, giving me and TaeHo a hug as soon as we walked in the waiting room.

They were my friends when I went to university in Seoul, I decided to go to Seoul for schooling and also to find HyeRan who went back to Seoul a year earlier. I didn't manage to find HyeRan but I found myself some lifelong friends that I don't regret being friends with. They especially came down to Daegu just for the wedding after putting down their jobs for a while and then they will go back to their normal lives after this.

"Congratulations on your wedding, TaeHo!" My pal, JiMin gave him a brotherly hug. "I wish you and your fiancee have a good marriage life together."

"Thanks! Aren't you guys busy with your jobs and all?" TaeHo asked NamJoon hyung who is trying to keep his balance for the 3rd time now.

"We have to since you are TaeHyung's brother and we will attend any of TaeHyung's family events no matter what."

"And there is a lot of food for me to eat. Did you call the best caterer?" Jin hyung asked the most important question of the day. "I would be so disappointed if it doesn't satisfy my taste buds."

Suga hyung smacked the back of his head. "Do you have to talk about food all the time? We are here for a wedding for goodness sake."

"It's okay, Yoongi hyung. The food is also one of the highlights of a wedding." He told Yoongi hyung.

"That's what I am talking about! You know me too well, Kim TaeHo!" Jin hyung and he hi-fived each other. "Unlike the other guys."

I ignored them as usual as they are very weird, they are always that weird. "TaeHyung, you seemed very nervous. It is not even your wedding." Hoseok hyung asked me when I am sitting down on the couch playing games on my phone.

Do I? "I'm fine." I tried to look alright so that he can stop asking too many questions, he is just too kind sometimes. "I'm a little tired from work."

"He is just too nervous to see his crush," TaeHo replied to me and the other guys shouted.

Apparently, I have never told them that I liked anyone in the past 5 years that I have known them since college. I have always managed to avoid the question during drinking sessions where they would blurt out their deepest secrets and I think that I have never shown them that side of me before.

"Eo, Song Hyeran ssi?" JungKook asked. "She's here?"

"Really? HyeRan ssi is here, I have been dying to see her. I wonder how does she look like in person?" Jimin commented. Do they know about her?

"Wait--" But they have all skipped out of the room and to the ladies' waiting room. There is no way that I can stop them from not going.

"Relax, it is not like they are going to do anything to her. They are all gentlemen." I'm just worried that they might tell her that I had a crush on her and everything will be over.


I was applying lipstick on YeongAe ssi's lips and I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" HaeNa unnie got up from her seat and opened the door, revealing 6 extremely handsome men behind the door, especially the one with broad shoulders, he is like worldwide handsome.

"We're here for HyeRan ssi." The tall one with plump lips and a deep voice said.

"Me?" I pointed to myself and they nodded eagerly, making their way in. Why did they know me??

I placed down the lipstick as I am now done with YeongAe ssi's makeup, she looked really beautiful just like a doll. "YeongAe ssi, congratulations on your wedding to TaeHo!" The 6 of them said in unison and YeongAe thanked them.

So, they are TaeHo's friends. One of them turned to me, the hyperactive one with lips that form a heart when he smiles. TaeHo's friends are really handsome like him.

"HyeRan ssi? I'm Jung Hoseok, TaeHyung's friend." He introduced himself to me reaching his hand out to shake mine. "And also TaeHo's."

"Nice to meet you, how did you know about me? Did they talked about me?"

"TaeHyung talked about you the most, he--"

He got pulled away by the guy with broad shoulders. "Hoseok, this is not the way you do things." He turned to face me. "I'm Kim Seokjin for your information." Ok, they are a bit weird right now...

I looked around for help and YeongAe ssi had that nonchalant expression on her face, she must have gotten used to their weird tactics. Haena unnie was also ogling at one of the guys, the one that pulled away from the hyperactive one.

Other than that, the other guys are just looking at me and me looking back at them. They weren't the people that talked a lot and instead I took the initiative to shake their hands and introduce myself to them. The door opened again and Kim TaeHyung was behind it, looking around for me.

"Oh, TaeHyung is finally here! HyeRan is really nice like what you had described her--"

"The wedding is starting, we have to get out of here soon." He said and he took my hand walking out of the room.

"Did the other guys do anything to you?" He asked with a concerned facial expression on his face.

I shook my head. "No, they didn't. NamJoon ssi was incredibly kind to me."

"Sorry. They can be a handful sometimes with their overly enthusiastic personalities and I'm afraid that they might scare you away."

"It's okay, I'm glad that you had such great friends," I said and he had such a confusing facial expression on his face.

"Eh?" He said and I chuckled. It's fun to see him like that, it's been a while since I saw that face. The last time that I saw it is before all that shit happened.

"Didn't you say that the wedding is going to start?" I said walking away from him. "And NamJoon ssi seems kind of cute." I teased him.

"Song Hyeran! What the hell are you even talking about? I don't understand!" He started walking to catch up with me and I walked even faster. Kim TaeHyung, you are really concerned about me, aren't you?

He's Not My Type // kim taehyung (#16)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang