Chapter 5

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I heard a knock on the door, it must be Kim TaeHyung. "He sure is fast..." Kim TaeHo said and went to the door.

"Kim TaeHo, it's okay. I can open the door." I said and he refused me.

"He will freak out seeing you, he hates girls if you don't know." He said with a smile and placed his hand on the door handle opening it.

It revealed a slightly concerned Kim TaeHyung standing by the doorway.
"Hyung, you're here!" He said cheerfully. He's always that cheerful huh? Even his own older twin would get angry but he is still there always smiling.

"How did you even get in there?" He asked and I showed my face standing beside Kim TaeHo.

"Ran let me in as I remembered that she lived on the same floor. Hehe..." He explained to his older twin and dragged the older twin into the house who clearly had a bitch face on.

And Ran? Did he just decided to call me that? We don't even know each other that well!

"Yes, TaeHo ssi knocked on my door and told me that you were in the room." I said politely.

"That's right..." He placed his hand up. I looked at him in confusion and he just put it down without saying anything. How weird...

Kim TaeHyung scanned me from top to bottom and shrugged his shoulders turning away walking to the door.
"Hyung!! You leaving already? It's not even a minute since you came..." He said running after his brother.

He nodded his head and turned around. "You got me out of the room right? Then don't bother her anymore, she has nothing to do with us."

Excuse me? It is none of my business, I helped your brother to get you out of the room and you still complained? This guy is a complete weirdo I swear...

"Err... Well, he is always like that. Anyways thanks for helping, Ran! That's what I am going to call you from now on. See you in school, I hope that we will be in the same class!" He said with enthusiasm before closing the door for me.

This set of twins still makes me dumbfounded. They are twins but they have completely different personalities. How are they even twins?

I shrugged my shoulders and looked at the clock. It is already 8, drama time. I went to the kitchen to eat some snacks before laying down on the couch to watch some dramas.


I went back into my room and whipped out my phone to text someone that he hated a lot - our Omma.


Hyung is now calmed down, don't blame yourself anymore... You know him, he is just hotheaded.

Omma replied almost quickly even before I could put my phone down.


Glad that he is fine. Did he eat anything that I cooked?

Of course he didn't, he threw everything away as he didn't want to get poisoned by Omma, the one that he hated. He just hates her.


Yep, he devoured everything. I didn't even get to take a bite of it. I am going to call delivery.

I lied. How can he enjoy it when it is already in the trash bin? And I haven't ate anything yet...

*Knock knock*

"I'm coming in..." I heard hyung's voice and immediately pretended to be reading a book. The door opened and he came in with a laptop and headphones hung around his neck.

"Wanna play overwatch? I just found out the trick to complete the level that we have been stuck on for ages." He said.

"OK! You are going to be Mei right? I am going to be Lucio!" I said happily in my normal mood. I put my book down that were barely read and got on my laptop logging into the game instantly. He must have feel much better already huh?

"Let's call delivery later, ok? The one that loses in a PK battle pays for it." I suggested and he did an 'OK' sign with his hands. We clicked on the button which indicated 'start' and our serious mode is switched on. Game on!


The episode ended and I switched off the TV feeling a little bit tired, well it is already 12am. I would have to buy my uniform tomorrow and explore the neighborhood a bit more so that I wouldn't get lost.

I went to brush my teeth before going to bed. "Yea! I won this round!! Delivery is on you!" I heard a sudden shout from somewhere else, so sudden that I almost swallowed the toothpaste plus water and saliva combination down my throat. I quickly spit it out and gaggled to get rid of the disgusting substance in my mouth.

What is that even? It sounds like Kim TaeHo or is it Kim TaeHyung? Are they gaming or something like that? At this time?

"Ah Why? I only lost by a little bit, can we play another round? It is still pretty early for any midnight snacks." I heard that voice again.

"Aishh this twins, they are so noisy! Don't they know that adults like us have to go to work on weekends too?" I heard the other neighbours this time.

It must have happened more than once judging by their tone that they are using. This can't be, I have to tell them personally or they will never know that they are annoying the others too.

I pulled my hoodie over my head and wore my slippers heading out of the house. I looked at the corridor that was in front of me. So which apartment was it again?

I remembered that their mother was standing 3 to 4 flats away from my apartment when I just moved in this morning, so it should be the apartment on the right side 3 flats away from me.

I stood in front of the apartment and knocked on the door, hoping that they would open it. The door opened and I saw someone with messy hair wearing a grey hoodie. He is not wearing glasses so who is he?

He was staring at me with those eyes that could kill me any instant

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He was staring at me with those eyes that could kill me any instant. He is Kim TaeHyung for sure.

"I... Err... I" I became scared and my words couldn't come out like I wanted.

"What is it, hyung?" I heard Kim TaeHo in the background.

"Just some annoying kid that presses the doorbell for fun, let's play scissors, paper, stone to decide on the winner." He said looking at me for the last time and slammed the door in my face. He... I'm sure that he is on my blacklist by this moment...

He gets on my nerves and it is so annoying. Kim TaeHo is much more better. At least he smiles at me all the time instead of putting on a emo face.

He's Not My Type // kim taehyung (#16)Where stories live. Discover now