Chapter 26

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I was waiting outside the intensive care unit while HyeRan goes in to visit her father. It is just like what happened 5 years ago when she had to delay her plans to go back to Seoul because of her father. It doesn't seem that her father's condition has stabilized ever since that day when he found that his ex-wife is actually always around her and the fact that she's my adoptive mother.

I did hate her for a while when Hye-Ran just left a month ago but when she reminded me of what happened that year when I first heard about my parentage, I forgave her, well not immediately. It took me a few more months to understand her feelings and I cried when I spoke my real feelings to her.

I never cried that much before. It is as if I have softened in front of her entirely. And I have visited the farm more times than the others have done in a month, even she herself told me to stop coming as she became bored of always seeing my face instead of TaeHo or HaeNa noona.

Our relations have improved a bit in my opinion as we started texting each other. Before that, I would pray that she would be not able to come every Monday. Now, I would always crave for her food all the time, her cooking is always that comparable to a chef.

Although things have turned for the better for me but not for HyeRan, she is crying uncontrollably while her father is lying down without even moving. It seems that it is worse than the last time, at least he did regain consciousness when he was transported from the operating theatre to the ICU.

Even my heart was aching when I am not related to him. The fear of a family member landing in the hospital and is lying in bed with a respiratory mask is real. It is a matter of life and death. And I had this crazy thought of calling my adoptive mother about it, she has the right to know about her ex-husband being in the hospital.

I put the phone down when I saw HyeRan limping while coming out of the ICU. I immediately went to support her. "How is your father?" I asked as I wanted to know the details.

"He's... He's dying..." She said before closing her eyes and passing out.

"Hye-Ran! Song Hyeran!" I called her but she didn't get up. She fainted for real. I immediately arranged for her to stay in a hospital ward and I sat down beside her, taking her hand in mine and occasionally kissing it. She is too shocked upon the news of her father dying and couldn't take it.

I caressed her hair and stroked her hair, hoping that she would regain consciousness and talk to me. Her being unconsciousness is the worst thing that can happen to me. I also told my siblings about it and especially my adoptive mother that her ex-husband is dying hoping that they can see each other one last time before he really passes on. Please, allow HyeRan to be happy.


I felt a hand on my hand and I fluttered my eyes open. I am in the hospital and I could hear the monitor beeping non-stop. I looked towards my right and TaeHyung was holding my hand, his head on my lap, sleeping.

I blushed at the action and wriggled my hand out of it but he tightened the grip. I smacked his hand as hard as I can so that he can wake up once and for all.

"Wake up!" I said clenching my teeth and he woke up, looking a bit absentminded.


"You're holding my hand!" I told him and he released the grip, falling backwards, his butt hitting the floor and he groaned in pain.

"Sorry!" I apologized and he put up a hand to stop me.

"I thought that you would sleep for a thousand years and never wake up!" He said getting up and massaging his butt.

"Aishh... Why did I even hold her hand for?" He mumbled the last few words but I still hear it and pretended that I didn't hear anything. That is the way to prevent more things from happening.

I regained my composure and cleared my throat. "How is my father now? Still unconscious?"

He nodded, sitting down again next to me. "I have already called your mother to be here as soon as possible and she would be arriving at midnight and she would be coming here first time in the morning as the whole journey is about 8 hours." He looked down at his watch.

"Why did you tell her about it? They don't need to meet." I said biting my lip. "And you didn't tell me about it."

"I need not tell you about it, it is a natural thing to do. Informing a family member about him dying is nothing wrong." He looked at me. "Don't tell me that you still haven't forgiven her?"

"Have you?" I asked him back. She didn't even try to look for me all these years, of course, I wouldn't forgive her. She is a liar.

He nodded. "I regretted not forgiving her earlier. If I did, I wouldn't have treated her that badly."

"She wasn't your mother and you still treated her like one."

"Even if she didn't, she still did her job as a mother."

"But she didn't do a good job as my mother and you were treated better than me," I said tears forming in my eyes. "Get out right now, I don't want to talk to you," I said softly.

"Call me when you are hungry, I'll buy you food." He said closing the door. She is coming tomorrow for real, what should I do?

Pretend that I'm dead so that I would never get to ever see her again? But that would be so cowardly of me. Seriously... Why am I acting like a coward? Why can't I accept her?

He's Not My Type // kim taehyung (#16)Where stories live. Discover now