Chapter 3

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I closed my umbrella and made it inside the lift when a kind soul pressed the lift button for me. "Thank you..." I said to the middle aged woman who pressed the lift button for me. I pressed the button indicating the 10th floor that has already been pressed and leaned against the lift wall. So she also lives on the 10th floor...

"My pleasure... You're living on the 10th floor?"

"Yes, ahjumma."

"That's where I live too. Your first day?"

"Yes... I am living here for just a while as I will be studying here for a year."

"Cool, which high school?"

"ChunKook high school."

"That's where my sons are studying at too. They just returned from their vacation today. I'm here to clean up the house for them as they are also busy."

The lift doors opened and we went out of the lift still chatting with each other. We kind of hit it off. Even though ahjumma talks a lot, you can feel the sincerity in her tone and gestures.

I reached the entrance of my apartment in like 10 seconds. "Ahjumma, I will be going in. Tell me when you want to get groceries." I told her and opened the door.

"Of course, take care of yourself well. " She said with a smile.

I entered the apartment by pressing the buttons of the door PIN and closed the door. Appa sure is fast as everything in the house is already furnished. As expected from a CEO which manufactures furnitures. He also chosen the newest collection for it.

"Wow..." is all I can say about it. I pushed my luggage all the way to my room and jumped on the bed.

I rolled around as I was excited for a new life here in Daegu. I glanced at the clock on the wall and it was 4.30pm. It was time to call Appa. I got up from the bed and took out my phone from my backpack. I pressed #1 on the speed dial and it got connected instantly.

"Yeoboseyo?" He picked up immediately. How long was he waiting for the call?

"Appa, I am now in Daegu."

"Really? Did you meet any aggressive Daegu men?" There is one, Kim TaeHo. The bipolar weirdo. But I am not sure if he is from Daegu.

"Nope, everything went smoothly. Don't worry." I lied. If I told him about Kim TaeHo, he would forget about everything and rush here immediately.

"Really? Hye-Ran, you must tell me immediately if there is anyone harassing you. I will rush here anytime even if I am in the middle of a meeting."

"I know, thank you for your concern. Appa, did you take your medication at lunch time?"

He paused for a while and then continued. "Of course I have. My secretary reminded me about it."


"Yes, my daughter. Gonna hang up I have a client."

"Hmm, goodbye." I ended the call and looked at the beautiful scenery out of the window. It is now raining but it is still beautiful.

I laid down the bed thinking about Kim TaeHo. He's a jerk but charming at the same time. It seems he has a spilt personality as he seems kind when I first saw him but he is a bit weird the second time. What is with him?

And the cheese tteokbokki, can I really not pay for this as he said that he is paying for it? Since he said that he is going to pay, why don't I just go along with it?

*Ding dong*

I got up immediately after hearing the doorbell. Ahjumma must be the one ringing the bell as I told her to go with me to the supermarket. Her face was shown on the screen a few seconds smiling. "Miss, come on out."

"Yes..." I replied her and opened the door for me.

"Would you mind if I change my clothes?" I told her and she shook indicating that she wouldn't mind.

I went to my suitcase and took out some clothes to change. I am a lazy ass bitch who doesn't bother with emptying my luggage when I reached a new place. I would normally do that after a few days, when I have the mood and time.

"Your furniture you have is beautiful, where do you purchase it from?" She asked me.

"Emm, I didn't buy it. My dad did it for me, he sells furniture. He's the CEO for Hye-Ran furnishing." I replied her. Yep, my father loves me so much that he even named his company after my name.

"H-hye-ran furnishing?" The ahjumma's voice shaked a little, I wonder why?

"Why? Ahjumma, you know my dad?" I said, putting my clothes on the chair.
"No, I just have a flu. I'll go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine." She said getting up.

"I'll accompany you!" I said with enthusiasm.

"No need!" She raised her voice at me. She saw my shocked expression and cleared my throat. She is scary at times. "Let's go before it is too late..." She spoke with a softer tone.I just nodded and we went to the supermarket not speaking a word. 

Maybe it is my enthusiasm that overwhelmed her, that's why she raised her voice at me. I should not be so hyper the next time I see her. Maybe she doesn't like girls that are too hyper.

"Do you like Kimchi?" She asked after a long silence. We reached the spices section and there is a huge variety of spices, including Kimchi.

I nodded. "I love it a lot!" She then took a few packets of Kimchi into her basket.

"Ahjumma, you buying it for me? You should not have, I can buy it myself."

"I'll treat you since it is the first day you moved in, I will bring you Kimchi the next time I see you." That's weird, why would she say that when we live on the same floor?

"My sons live here, not me. I live in the countryside where you are able to plant things on your own. My husband and I owned a food exporting company." She clarified my doubts about her. I made a 'o' face understanding her. That's why...

"TaeHo, you are here too? Come over here?" She suddenly called someone over to our side. The person turned around and looked for us.

"Yes, Omma..." He said taking the basket that Ahjumma has been holding. TaeHo, he is Kim TaeHo. He is the one that met on the train, the bipolar TaeHo.

"Cheese tteokbokki?" I said.

"Hey, you're here too? It is really a small world." He pointed at me and smiled brightly, I smiled back at him and Ahjumma looked at the both of us with a weird expression.

"We met each other on the train this morning." He said. "You got your cheese tteokbokki already?" He asked me. Of course I did the first time but you snatched it away the second time.

"She didn't, as I got it the second time." I heard another voice coming closer towards us.

I looked towards that direction, someone who has the same height and build as Kim TaeHo was walking towards us and stood beside me. He was wearing glasses, different from TaeHo who doesn't wear glasses.

"TaeHyung? You're here too?"

TaeHo? TaeHyung? Who is who? They look the same? Don't tell me that they are twins?

He's Not My Type // kim taehyung (#16)Where stories live. Discover now