Chapter 10

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"Get away, I'm going to change." I pushed her aside so she won't block the door.

"Yah--" She shouted but I have already slammed the door in her face.

I turned towards TaeHo who is still very shocked with the whole situation all thanks to Stupid HyeRan's weird phrasing of her words.

"TaeHo ssi, he spent the night at my house last night." Those were her exact words before TaeHo became completely 'frozen' due to shock. Anyone who heard those words will think that the two of you have some sort of a relationship when it is just me passing out on her bed and she slept on the couch. No one went near each other for the entire night and we still hate each other as much as any other day.

"Don't worry, I just passed out on her bed and we were away from each other for the whole night," I reassured him for the 5th time while I went back to my bedroom to change into a new uniform and threw the dirty clothes in the clothes basket. "Don't you try to think of anything else, I tell you--"

He is dead quiet, not moving at all. Is he... "TaeHo? Kim TaeHo! You still there?" I called his name to get his attention and he turned around looking very absentminded.

"Ne? You calling me Hyung?" He said in his uncertain voice.

I nodded. "Are you alright?"

"O-of course I am! When am I not fine?"

He is definitely not fine. I sighed and opened the door dragging the culprit in the house.

"Yah! Why are you dragging me?" She yanked her hand off and massaged her wrist.

"Explain to him as clear as you can be to why I spent the night at your house instead of mine. And you are to pay for my meals from now on."

"And why should I? Shouldn't you be the one paying for your own meals?"

"I don't care until he returns back to normal. He overthinks too much and you are at fault if he is in trouble." I pulled her by the necktie and placed her in front of the 'frozen' Kim TaeHo.
"You explain while I go make breakfast, better do well or you will be the one who is cooking." I looked at the two one last time before heading into the kitchen. My poor brother who is frozen because of some woman that he has a crush on said the most normal thing in a weird way. Please return back to normal.


I exhaled and looked at TaeHo. "Is it true that you only gave him a place to stay last night and not anything else?" He asked and I nodded.

"What do you think it is then? He freaking knocked on my door multiple times at midnight telling me to open the door. I had no choice but to open the door. I'm afraid that he might wake up the neighbours with his extremely deep voice."

"My voice is not that deep and I don't knock on your door. You are the one that dragged me in." He peeked his head through the door with a spatula in his hand. There he goes again, always twisting facts here and there just to make himself cooler when he is not cool at all.

"Whatever, he just won't admit right?" I said and he started to laugh slightly. The normal Kim TaeHo is coming back.

"Hyung, stop twisting your facts. That makes you even uncool!"

"Yah, Kim Taeho! I don't do that though, do I?"

"Yes, a lot." We both chuckled.

We ate breakfast after confirming many times that Kim Tae-Hyung didn't put any poison in my food and taking out all the burnt parts of the toast especially after knowing that he bluffs a lot. Who knows if he decides to kill me now?

We went to school, TaeHo waved at us before getting into his class. I waved back at him and TaeHyung did his usual 'cool small wave' that doesn't look cool at all from my perspective. We were about to enter class when a girl of a similar height to me pushed TaeHyung and interlocked his hands with hers.

"TaeHyung ssi, are you alright? I heard that you got drunk last night." She asked in a very concerned tone. Who is she? His girlfriend?

Aye, that rude and savage guy has a girlfriend? That couldn't be true right? "BoNa, I'm fine--"

"Are you hurt anywhere else? Did TaeHo take care of you well?"

"Yes and--"

"Hmm?" She looked at Kim Tae-Hyung with those big puppy eyes.

"I... I--"

"What were you trying to say, Jagi?" And why does this woman cut him off every single time?

He sighed. "Nothing. I'm fine."

The corner of her lips lifted up and it turned into a wide smile. "I'm glad that you're fine! I almost had a heart attack when I heard that you got dead drunk last night." She walked away with TaeHyung, completely ignoring my presence. It is as if I am invisible.

I looked around the hallway, the guys and the girls were all making way for them. Are they well known as a campus couple? Isn't she the girl that TaeHo was telling me about yesterday? The queen in this school, Kim BoNa. So she is Kim Tae Hyung's girlfriend...

Well, it doesn't concern me a little bit if that guy has a girlfriend or not. She must be blind to fall for him. I mean, who the hell would like a guy that acts cool all the time? I shrugged my shoulders and went into class going into my seat, waiting for class.

A fellow classmate dragged her chair to sit next to me. "You're Song HyeRan, right? The beautiful girl in Seoul and the daughter of a furniture store CEO." She whispered in my ear.

I shook my head. "You are, that's why you are wearing all that to disguise yourself." Heol, is she a detective or what??

"You're close with the Kim twins right?" I nodded again. "Be careful of Kim BoNa, don't get too close to her or she will make you her next target."

"Why? Is she really that dangerous?"

"If you are just any other nerd, I wouldn't care if you get trampled on or bullied but when you are Song HyeRan... That is a completely different story. Keep away from them in school as Kim BoNa easily gets jealous. Luckily she was sick yesterday and couldn't come to school but from now on, just be careful and don't get near the Kim twins no more than 3 meters."

"And why are you telling me all this?"

"Care more about yourself first. By the way, you should use the freckle makeup next time. You will be unrecognizable with that." She smiled and brought her chair back. How weird... Who is she to warn me about these kinds of things?  We don't even know each other that well.

I shrugged my shoulders and laid my head on the table taking a nap that quickly turned into a deep sleep. All those weird people...

He's Not My Type // kim taehyung (#16)Where stories live. Discover now