Chapter 15

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I gave him the pen that he was looking for and pushed him out of the way and pulled my father into the house, pretending that nothing has happened in that short 5 seconds of him getting into my house and my father coming here at the same time.

"Appa, you're here!" I exclaimed, sending signals to TaeHyung that he needed to be gone as soon as possible or my wish to stay here will be over.


"Appa, let me take your luggage and sit down here while I do all the work." I said taking his luggage and placing them in my bedroom. TaeHyung was gone and I heaved a sigh of relief, glad that he is gone but there is still one more person that I need to do some explaining.

"Song HyeRan, who the hell is that guy that was in your apartment?"

"Which guy?"

"That guy with the stoic expression." He replied like a robot. "Why is he here?"

"He is just there for something. He left his pen in the house." I said laughing as much as I can to lift up the tense atmosphere that is suffocating. My father is very scary sometimes and I don't like him being like that. It scares me a lot.

"Are you very close to him?"

"We sit next to each other and he just lives 3 apartments away from us, his name is Kim TaeHyung."

"Kim TaeHyung." My father repeated the name over and over again as if he is trying to connect something to his name.

"Don't worry, he won't do anything to me as he is..." I tried to find the perfect term for it so that I will get to stay here as long as I want. "Gay."

"He likes guys?" My father raised an eyebrow, his expression softened a little. He's falling for it. I wanted to laugh so much at him but I couldn't. It is so hard to imagine Kim TaeHyung being gay and in love with guys.

"Yes, he likes guys. A lot. So you rest assured that he won't do anything to me."

He cleared his throat. "I don't know about him. Does he have any siblings?"

"He has a younger twin brother and an older sister who also teaches at the school that I am attending."

"Really?" He stared at the weird looking bed. "Did you seriously stuff all your unwashed clothes under the blankets so that I wouldn't know about it?" He flipped out the blankets and indeed tons of unwashed clothes were under it.

"I was supposed to wash it today but you came," I said embarrassed of myself.

"Then wash it. We will go out after you have done with your chores." He said sitting in front of the TV and watching the news as usual. Seriously?


I ran back to the apartment holding the pen that was in her bag in my large hands, my hands clutching my chest. Is that the feeling of getting chased out by your girlfriend's father? Except that we are not together and the fact that I hated her a lot.

"Hyung, why are you standing there and not doing anything?" TaeHo came out of the room, looking confused to why I am standing at the door not doing anything.

"Nothing. I just went to Song Hye-Ran's and got this pen back." I showed the pen that I had lost to him. "She brought it home by mistake."

He slightly squinted his eyes trying to identify the pen. "Didn't you have lots of it? Why did you care so much about this pen?" Yes, I have 5 of the same pen. And I didn't lose it.

I knew that she had a habit of taking things by mistake and I didn't say anything when she took it. Instead, I just wanted to see her when it is during the holidays. I know that I sound crazy but my mind has been only thinking about her these days and not about BoNa when she is my girlfriend. I don't even know if I liked BoNa anymore. She is so distant from me, she is not even calling me these days to meet or to carry her stuff.

"Didn't you know that I care for every belonging that I have?"

"Really?" He seemed really doubtful of me. Of course, he does, he is my twin.

The door opened and I turned around, it was that woman. Today is not Monday so why is she here? "Omma!" TaeHo greeted her warmly. "Why are you here? Is there anything that you have forgotten?"

She shook her head. "I just came here for a while and will be going off soon after going to Hye-Ran's."

"Eo, Omma... Have you seen TaeHyung's lion?" Right, I have thrown that away and I haven't told anyone about it yet. No one has to know that I have thrown away someone that woman have given me when I was still a young child.

"The lion plushie? What happened to it?"

"It was missing for quite a while and I only realized it a few days ago. Have you seen it anywhere?" He asked the woman.

"Nope. How did it go missing??" She asked me next and I shut her off with one sentence.

"I threw it away because I don't want to have stuff that you have given me," I said and went back to my room. She should just go to die. In that way, she wouldn't bother me anymore.

"Yah! Hyung!" TaeHo shouted for me and I could hear him sigh. Why doesn't she go back to her family and try to be my mother?

I heard from my father the last time where I drank with him alone, he accidentally let out that she was a divorcee that separated from her husband as soon as she gave birth to her second daughter due to some reason that he refused to say. You should be back in Seoul instead of being here, you woman...


She looked down at the piece of paper that I have been holding in my hand and back at me, looking all uneasy and uncomfortable. She really seemed that she is trying to hide something from us. "TaeHyung, shouldn't you be lying in your room?? You're sick."

"I don't care," I said showing her the birth certificate of the two of us. "Is this true? That you are not my mother?" I found the last few words so hard to utter out.


"Answer me!" I shouted and I felt a little dizzy. Of course, I have a high fever and I have to deal with this.

"Yes, it is true. I'm not your mother." She confessed, her tears coming down her face.

"Why? Why are you not my mother? Where is the person that is supposed to be my mother?" I questioned her next.

"TaeHyung... I... I..." She answered and I felt that the sky has fallen at that time.

End of flashback

I heard a knock on the door. It was her. "TaeHyung-ah, I'm going off. Make sure to eat and sleep well." She left and the footsteps went towards the front door, closing the door behind her.

I only stood there with tears in my eye. I hated her but why do I always cry when it is about her?

He's Not My Type // kim taehyung (#16)Where stories live. Discover now