Chapter 19

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I cried and pleaded at the same time to the man who found me in the middle of the night and decided to drag me into his car. He has found me and I don't think that I will get to stay here as what I had wished. All my luggage and stuff are already in the car, the doors on each side are also locked pretty tight and my arms are tied up because he was afraid that I might run away again.

"Appa! Let me go! Let me stay here!" I shouted and screamed but he wouldn't budge or look at me. He ignored me and continued to drive. "Appa!" I shouted. "Why are you so mean to me?"

He stopped at one traffic jam and the car is still. He took the time and released the ropes that were wrapped around my arms. "Promise that you go back with me and I will tell you one secret. A secret about your mother." He finally said.

"Fine but I want to stay here. I want to complete my studies here no matter what with TaeHo and TaeHyung."

"No, you can't. The reason is related to why we are going back to Seoul." He said.

"Then tell me now." Why can't we say it here?

"I can't. You might not be able to take it if I tell you now."

"I don't care, I want to know now."

"Listen to me and I will tell you at the airport."

"I don't want." I sound like a whiny kid but I really want to know now that he mentioned it once again. Is it because of TaeHyung's mother? Does she know my mother?

"HyeRan..." He sounded a little breathless and I stopped crying for a second.

"Appa, are you okay?" I asked with concern. He certainly doesn't look like he is okay. "Where is your medication?"

"It's okay, I will endure it and I will take it at the airport."

"Is it in one of the bags? Which bag is it?" I started opening bag after bag.

"Don't try to find it. I will find it myself." He said wheezing a little now, he can't drive for now and we have to go to the hospital.

"Appa, where is it?" I asked as I couldn't find any medicine in his bag.

"Don't bother to find it, it is not here." He said his hand on his chest, wincing at the pain that his heart has caused him.

"Don't tell me that you have not taken your medication, Appa," I said my tears forming at the corners of my eyes again. "We have to get medical help now," I said as I dialled a number. Kim TaeHyung's phone number.

He picked up immediately as if he was waiting for this phone call. "Y-yeoboseyo?" He seems breathless. "HyeRan, are you alright??"

"I am but my father isn't. We are on the way to Kimpo airport but he seemed to be having chest pains."

"Call the ambulance right away and I will be there as soon as possible. Call me when you have reached the hospital." He immediately ended the call and I called for an ambulance right away.

The ambulance arrived a few minutes ago and we have transported to the hospital straight away. I called him again to inform him that we are already at the hospital and I could hear two other voices other than his. They were his siblings, they were also coming as well. I was waiting outside the operating room with my hands clasped together and I prayed as hard as I can for him to get better.

Why didn't he take his medication? After what I had told him daily, he still doesn't listen to me. Gyeongsang-do men are all that stubborn and they are even stubborn with age.

I heard footsteps running around and I laid eyes on the three siblings running towards me. HaeNa unnie pulled me into a hug and I cried in her arms again. "How is your father doing?" She asked and I shrugged my shoulders, not knowing what to do.

I'm glad that they were around to help me. If I was the one, I would have a panic attack by then and be helpless to my father. "Don't worry, he is going to be alright," TaeHo said and I faked a smile, telling him that I am alright.

"How did it happen?" HaeNa unnie asked.

"He didn't take his medication very often so his health deteriorated. I shouldn't have even left him for Daegu so that I can monitor his condition very closely." I said blaming myself. Why did I even want to come here? It is not like I have family here. While the two were trying to get my spirits up, TaeHyung was silent as usual. He was just looking at me and the surroundings.

Anyways, he was the first one that I can think of when I am in trouble. I don't know why but I could only think of him at that time. It was not HaeNa unnie nor TaeHo but the hateful Kim TaeHyung who sits down beside me in class.

"Don't blame yourself anymore, it is not your fault. It is not anyone's fault as well." She said reassuring me again.

The doctor came out a minute later and we gathered around him. "Is he okay?"

He nodded. "The patient's condition has stabilized for now and he will be transferred to the regular ward in a moment. He should just take his medication regularly and he would be fine." I heaved a sigh of relief as I smiled genuinely for the first time since it happened. We went to his ward after the doctors have allowed us to enter.

I entered the room and sat down immediately next to him where there is a chair and I caressed his cheek, wanting to cry but I held back my tears. My face is going to be so puffy when I wake up tomorrow.

I heard a cough and his eyes fluttered open, looking all drowsy and tired.

"Appa, are you okay?" I asked.

"Hye-Ran... I'm sorry."

"Appa!" I hugged him and he hugged me back.

The others slowly came in and he sat up, greeting each of them until he saw HaeNa unnie. "A-appa?" was the word that she uttered.

He's Not My Type // kim taehyung (#16)Where stories live. Discover now