Chapter 42

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I stared at the 3-year-old squatting down staring at the tiny kittens in their cages which is separated by a glass panel, she placed her hands against the panel touching the kittens virtually. She has been begging me to buy her kittens ever since she started watching TV with her 6-year-old brother who also loved kittens a lot, together they have told me that they wished to have a kitten on their birthdays which is by chance on the same day and month.

My older sister looks at me with a very confused look on her face. "How does she even know to come here? It is 3 floors away from the café and she has to take the escalator twice to reach here, how the hell did she even go that? Besides she is only 3."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess that the thought of having kittens has stuck in their brains forever and it will never go away unless I buy them one on their birthday." That made my older sister sigh dramatically, knowing how I feel exactly. She too was stuck with kids who only know how to eat and never clean up, wanting to buy toys but never keep them away.

My older sister and her husband Kim Seokjin is here for the weekend, bringing their kids along not by choice, they didn't want to bring them along because it will be a disaster. Luckily she kept all of her kids at our house where Seokjin oppa and Kim Taehyung is taking care of him, HaNeul is there too and he can play with the other kids. Only Harang, my second child is here with us two because she wanted to come along and go to the pet store so that she can stare at it all day and try to persuade me to buy it, a typical day in the Kim household.

I have barely gotten off the phone with my husband who was caught eating sugar in the house when I am not around and Seokjin Oppa told him off on my behalf, he has been even more childish after we have gotten married and migrated to Australia to start our family officially and I don't know how childish he will be after our third child is born.

We have been living in the city of Melbourne for about 6 years and honestly, I loved the city a lot but I missed Daegu a lot as well, I would always go back there with the whole family at least once a year to catch with our family there and get updates on everything there.

Everyone there had been married and they have led lives that are equally exciting as us, Taeho and YeongAe just had their first child a year ago and they are doing good as first time parents, my mother doing good as always, she has recently gone on a world trip with my father-in-law and they have made wonderful memories there. Sometimes I wished that we are in Korea so that we can meet up with them often but sometimes you have to live from your family far apart so that you would learn how to cherish them.
"Kim Harang!" She turns around to look at me. "I thought that you should never come here alone? Who told you to come here?"

"Omma... The kittens are really adorable and I would really want them to be in our house, I promise that I will take care of them."

You don't even know how to go to the toilet yourself... "You can't, I told you multiple times that you will not have a pet after you have grown up, that goes to your brother as well. Taking care of a pet needs a lot of care and attention."

"But I can! I know that I can!" I tried hard not to lose my temper at her, I don't want to embarrass her in front of everyone and of course my older sister. "Omma, please... I can learn how to take care of one, Oppa and I can do that!"

"Hyeran, she seems really eager to have one. Just agree to it, having a cat around in the house helps them to grow up as compassionate humans as well." She sighed. "Plus, she will learn to hate you if you continue not to buy her anything. Seokjin has adopted a lot of sugar gliders and over the years and the children are very happy with them around."

My Taetae will be very happy if there is a cat around the house as well, I guess that I have to give in to them for once. "Well, I guess that you can choose one kitten. I can't buy too many kittens, they are too much."

I swear that I have just witnessed rainbows spilling out from the child's body as she sprinted into the store to choose a kitten that she wanted, it is a dream come true for her and her older brother, maybe her father as well even though it is not going to be a puppy. I sighed and my older sister placed a hand on my shoulder, not knowing what to feel about this as well.

I went into the store to make a purchase of the kitten and all the other things that a kitten would need, there is a lot of things and it is going to be wired in Taehyung's account, I'm not going to spend all of my money on the kitten, I have to spend it on my child which is in my womb, waiting for its arrival.

I suddenly feel the pain coming from inside and I couldn't stand straight, my legs felt like jelly and I needed to sit down immediately. It is a very familiar feeling that I have experienced and I don't want to experience that at all, it is not going to be a very pleasant one. I was in labor, it is about 10 days early from the due date and I was totally not expecting that at all.

I was sent to the hospital straightaway with my older sister by my side until my husband arrives with a frantic look on his face, he is feeling all kinds of emotions all at one go, he is excited that his child is coming out of my body and to the world and I honestly felt that I should just not have a baby at all.

It is my third pregnancy and I always think of giving up every single time I go into labor but Taehyung is always there with me every single time, he might not be the best husband ever but he is the best that I can have. I don't care if he is childish, I don't care if he pisses me off 10 times in one year, he is the one that I love and I have chosen to love him even though he isn't my type.

Our third child was finally born 18 hours later, it was a girl and the whole room rejoiced with cries, some of them are crying, through the video calls where they watched out emerge from the delivery suite, they all rushed to see me and the newborn which is now the center of attention. It was like that for about 20 minutes even if the child is being wheeled to the room where the nurses would take care of her and I would return back to my ward to take a rest for the next few days, everyone was happy that a child had been born and it was a blessing.

"Stop crying! It is not the end of the world yet, it is just your wife had given birth." I said to Taehyung who is still sobbing hours after the others have gone home for the day, he had been disrupting my rest by crying nonstop. He does this every time I give birth, he is always so excited to meet his child that he gets all nervous and jittery which in turn makes him very emotional at the end.

He runs over and hugs me, giving kisses to my forehead. "I can't help it, it is such a memorable moment and I can't help but cry. Won't you cry if you were to be me?"

"I don't have the strength to, it is too tiring for me to cry like that." I ruffled his hair. "Thank you for being there for me, thanks for never giving up and loving me. I love you." I kissed his forehead and he did the same back at me.

"I wished that HaNeul and Harang were here as well, they will be very happy to meet their little sister."

I shook my head. "I bet that they are having fun playing with that kitten."

He looks at me confused. "Kitten? Since when did we even have a pet?"

"18 hours ago, I bought them one at last. I just don't want to witness any of them stealing kittens and puppies from the pet store because I won't buy them." He hugged me even tighter. "You that happy? But it is only for HaNeul and Harang, you have me as your kitten."

He kissed my lips. "Yes, my only kitten. I will always love you forever, even if you are not my type."

I kissed him back. "Me too, I love you."

The End

He's Not My Type // kim taehyung (#16)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora