Chapter 34

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I smiled as I watched the bride and groom walked into the wedding hall and everyone applauded for them for being such a great couple and have lasted long, loving each other for so long that they wanted to take their relationship up to the next level.

"Woah, YeongAe ssi is so beautiful!" My sister who was next to me exclaimed. "No wonder they say that all brides are all that beautiful. How I wished that I am the one that is married."

"Unnie, you could do that very easily with those looks that you possess."

"Except that, I haven't found the right man." I pouted. "That is the only thing that kept me single all these years. I'm turning 30 in a few years time, you know."

"You have hope." I pointed it out. "You were ogling at one of TaeHyung's friends, the one with the broad shoulders."

Her face instantly became red. "No, I wasn't."

"You are, you are staring at him right now. He will feel that pressure if you continue to do that."

"Stop it. We are going to be kicked out if we keep talking like this." She said and most of the guests are already seated down in their seats.

"Right." We sat down in sync and waited for the officiant to start his thingy where he makes the couple say their vows before the exchanging of rings and the kissing part.

I was mesmerized by how the way they looked at each other in the eye and you would just feel like you are dreaming. It doesn't seem real and not like a dream at the same time. I know now why some people liked to be at the wedding, it is a happy occasion and your spirits will get lifted up by seeing the happy couple saying their vows to each other.

"I do." YeongAe ssi said and laughed as she saw TaeHo's crying face attempting to wipe his tears away with one hand while she is holding onto the bouquet of flowers. Isn't he the one that told his fiancee that she was too emotional? Look who is crying right now.

He gave a weak smile and wiped away his tears, gesturing them to continue with the ceremony. "Would you take Yoo YeongAe ssi as your wife?"

"I do." He said with his crying voice and I nearly laughed out loud, I bet everyone here feels the same. They want to laugh but they just can't.

"You can exchange the rings." It is my cue to go up to the stage to give YeongAe the ring that is supposed to be placed on TaeHo's ring finger.

She asked me to be one of her bridesmaids a few days ago when we were trying out dresses, her friends were her main bridesmaid and she asked me to just be there to hand her the rings. And TaeHyung is the best men for TaeHo, of course, there is no one else perfect for the role.

I met him at the foot of the stage and he had this unknown nervousness in him, it is not because he is happy for his brother. It is something else that I can't really explain. "Are you alright?" I asked him and he just nodded, he is back to the usual him, not the talkative one. His hands were trembling and he is shifting from one foot to the other.

He needs help for real. I placed my hand on him and he looked at me, I just gave him a reassuring smile and told him not to worry too much by communicating with his eyes. His eyes are so beautiful, they are telling me that he is nervous and doesn't know what to do.

"Relax, it would be over if you know it," I told him and it was time for us to go up on the stage to give them the wedding rings to put on. They quickly wore their wedding rings and faced each other again. I got down the stage and TaeHyung is already walking back to his assigned table where his friends were at, I sat back down in my seat and my mother was crying. Tissues papers were in her hands and she is trying so hard not to cry.

I looked at her for a while, not knowing what to do as I have never got so close to her, I have not really talked to her for 5 years. She was always the one that initiated the conversation, she was the one who persuaded me to be here. I owed a lot to her, if not for her, I would not be here. She is my only parent.

My hand slowly went to her and I touched the skin of her hand, she flinched a little and she looked at me with such a gentle gaze. I said nothing and we stayed like this for a few seconds before the officiant announced that the ceremony will be over in a few seconds and it would be completed with a seal of a true love's kiss. We all stood up but I have my hand remained interlocked with my mother's and my sister's to make my love equal for both of them. They are my only family now so I need to cherish them as much as I can before they are gone forever.

The wedding is over and we are all now at the entrance of the wedding hall where YeongAe ssi would be there to throw her bouquet to the one person that catches the bouquet, the one that catches the bouquet will have 6 months to get married. It is a very good way to get your friend to get married even if they don't want to, it is all part of a promise and a tradition. I am just there because I'm just curious and I purposely brought my sister along.

"Those who want my bouquet, please stand in line." She told the participants. "Those who are not, step to one side so you wouldn't regret later if you happen to get the bouquet."

"Yes!" All the participants shouted in unison and stood in line, waiting for her to throw the bouquet. I predicted that it would be a mess and it is always the most unexpected person that would get the bouquet, the one that is single.

I pushed my sister to the contest and I stood far away to watch the contest, I really hope that it would be my sister and she would be happy as well. At the count of three, she threw the bouquet and every contestant rushed to get the bouquet but it is way too high, they couldn't get it.

It got past the contestants and it fell on my head and eventually landed in my arms. "Ah! It's you, Song Hyeran!" She announced and everyone sighed as they couldn't get the lucky bouquet and they will have to wait for their own wedding.

"Wait! I'm not part of it!" I quickly gave it back to YeongAe ssi. "I just happened to catch it, you can throw it again right?"

"Nope!! What it is meant to be yours will be yours, I can't change it. Even if I throw once more, it will make its way towards you." She said.

"But I'm single!" I shouted. "I can't get married without a man."

"Who says that you don't?? TaeHyung is one of the candidates." Unnie answered my question.


I looked at my mother who had that look on her face, that approving look. "I approve of that relationship."

"Omma!" And then I looked at TaeHyung with that shocking expression. He knew that I lied, I don't have a boyfriend and he knows it now.

Fact: I wrote this chapter on 14th Feb 2018.

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