ow ow ow

325 13 5

Booperdooper: hey hey hey

THEBOSS: ow ow ow

Booperdooper: wats wrong?

THEBOSS: slammed into locker

Booperdooper: oh shit

THEBOSS: hurts

Booperdooper: fuck, wat do I do?

THEBOSS: u can't do anything really
THEBOSS: just distract me I guess

Booperdooper: um
Booperdooper: okay
Booperdooper: distracting


Booperdooper: weathers nice

THEBOSS: no its not

Booperdooper: okay then
Booperdooper: those yunguns will get their comeuppance one day pal

THEBOSS: ur bad at this

Booperdooper: I know

THEBOSS: at least u admit it

Booperdooper: r u bleeding btw?

THEBOSS: luckily
THEBOSS: just a great deal of pain

Booperdooper: fun


Booperdooper: watch some vines
Booperdooper: watch YouTube
Booperdooper: read a book
Booperdooper: read a kik fanfic

THEBOSS: preferably something that does not require effort?

Booperdooper: wow, u really r bad
Booperdooper: ur using proper words
Booperdooper: this is worse than I thought

THEBOSS: ur not helping

Booperdooper: oops
Booperdooper: so, pancakes, huh?


Booperdooper: I like pancakes

THEBOSS: so do most sane people

Booperdooper: r u trying to say u don't like pancakes


Booperdooper: u feeling better then?

THEBOSS: strangely yes
THEBOSS: ur mindless chatter actually helped

Booperdooper: that even astounds me

THEBOSS: as it shud my dear
THEBOSS: as it shud

Booperdooper: indeed

THEBOSS: for some reason being in pain makes me English better

Booperdooper: for ur next essay

THEBOSS: yah, I'll just bleed all over the paper instead

Booperdooper: GOOD IDEA :D

THEBOSS: I know, I said it

Booperdooper: :P

THEBOSS: anyway, I better go

Booperdooper: yeah, u shud lye down

THEBOSS: talk later?

Booperdooper: definitely :)
Booperdooper: I hope u feel better soon

THEBOSS: I hope so too

THEBOSS has left the chat.

Hey hey hey. Guess who it is. Its me. A person. Are you surprised or what?
Anyway, I'm not going to be able to update much this week/month. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do to help it!
At the moment I'm on the free WiFi from my local library, so I decided to update now! Yay!
See you all soon anyway! (Hopefully)

Kik Me, I'm Irish Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora