only for u

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BooperDooper: hey, r u okay?


BooperDooper: u seemed weird yesterday

THEBOSS: I'm always weird, wat u on about m8

BooperDooper: but seriously, u good?

THEBOSS: I'm fine

BooperDooper: mhmmm
BooperDooper: I don't believe u

THEBOSS: apparently u don't trust me either

BooperDooper: jack...
BooperDooper: I'm sorry for wat I said
BooperDooper: I didn't mean it

THEBOSS: but its true, isn't it

BooperDooper: well...

THEBOSS: I was hoping u'd deny it, but its true

BooperDooper: jack, u know I didn't mean it

THEBOSS: how exactly do I know?

BooperDooper: because I'm telling u

THEBOSS: shud I throw ur own words back in ur face?
THEBOSS: mark, I don't trust you

BooperDooper: jack, I'm sorry

THEBOSS: r u really though?

BooperDooper: yes!

THEBOSS: funny how I don't think ur being truthful, isn't it

BooperDooper: not really

THEBOSS: exactly

BooperDooper: ur blowing things way out of proportion again

THEBOSS: not this again
THEBOSS: it feels like this is ur go to thing to say when u realise ur being an idiot

BooperDooper: oh, shut up

THEBOSS: u know, I think I need to go

BooperDooper: oh really?

THEBOSS: there's an unanimous object begging for me to leave this conversation

BooperDooper: I'm sure there is

THEBOSS: see ya
THEBOSS: or....
THEBOSS: maybe I won't

BooperDooper: bye

THEBOSS: have fun with being a pile of rotten fish

BooperDooper: u have fun being a pile of crap

THEBOSS: only for u

THEBOSS has left the chat.

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