bench hatred

251 13 12

If what I write ever seems sloppy, or not thought through, its because I write the chapters in the hour I have at night, and then publish it. That's why there can be a few spelling mistakes around the place :D

Sean looked to the side, as a weight sat on the bench next to him. Upon seeing that it was only Mark, he rolled his eyes and looked away, refusing to meet his eyes.

Mark refused to give up that easily, letting them both sit in silence for a few moments, before tapping him on the shoulder, trying to grab his attention. Sean still looked anywhere but at Mark.

Eventually, when Mark started whispering Beyonce songs in his ear, he could ignore him no longer, and turned to face him with an annoyed, "What!?"

Upon closer inspection, Sean could see Marks red rimmed eyes, which threw him off for a moment, as he wasn't expecting Mark to seem so...upset. Though he had finally gotten Sean's attention, now Mark seemed to have no words to say.

"Well? What is it?" Sean asked impatiently, taking no shit, because he's finally being an independent bean in this story.

It was now Marks turn to glance away, and not meet his eyes. Being faced with Sean seemed to have taken his resolve, and the words that were on the tip of his tongue had vanished.

Shaking his head impatiently, Sean got up and walked away, still annoyed about the fact Mark had interrupted his peaceful moment. Mark stared after him like a lost puppy, wanting to cling on and never let go of their owner.

Once Sean was out of sight, Mark buried his head in his hands, angry with himself, and his own stupidity. If only he hadn't pushed Sean, been mean to him, shoved him around...

If only he had been a good person.

Consumed with his own self hatred, Mark didn't notice Sean hesitating at the corner, looking back at Mark with something like worry on his face. Hearing footsteps echoing down the halls, Sean pulled himself away from the scene.

Mark looked up just in time to see Sean's coat fly around the corner, and if Sean had stayed where he was a moment longer, he would have seen a tear slowly trickle from Marks eyes.

As he left when he did, he noticed nothing, and would never know how vulnerable he had made Mark in this moment.

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